With one of the most commonly used passwords being 123456, how do you create a strong password that you can still remember? Grace Brockbank from Macclesfield based Fabric IT shares some best practice advice on what makes a great password? What makes a great Password is one of the most … [Read more...]
News for: Comms and Technology
Expert Opinion: How to spot a phishing email
According to PwC, around half of cybersecurity breaches in the UK start with a phishing attempt. Macclesfield based IT support business, Fabric IT share their top tips on how to spot and protect your business from a phishing email. What is phishing? Phishing is an attempt to obtain sensitive … [Read more...]
All Communications recommend solution to network outages
Wilmslow based local B2B telecoms specialist, All Communications advise businesses to consider roaming SIMs as an alternative after widespread network outages affected UK business last month. Roaming SIMs are an alternative technology, that can connect automatically to a new provider if it cannot … [Read more...]
The Digital Revolution
We’re at the time of the 4th industrial revolution; cyber-physical systems are quickly becoming the new-normal, as we turn our properties into ‘Smart-Homes’ and our cities begin to adapt to new technologies. Businesses are beginning to recognise that they need to incorporate these new … [Read more...]
Wilmslow telecoms provider launches new enterprise
Wilmslow-based wholesale telecoms provider of business communications, Zest4 Group, has launched a new enterprise to serve local businesses called All Communications. Zest4 Group, based in Wilmslow for four years is an Internet of Things provider, suppling services to the UK telecommunications … [Read more...]
Zest4 extend footprint in Wilmslow to support growth
Zest4 have taken an additional 1,790 sq ft of workspace at Orbit Development’s 50 Alderley Road, with its office occupation at 50 Alderley Road totalling 4,028 sq ft. The expansion will help to accommodate the current workforce of 35 and move quickly to a 50-strong team to capitalise on the … [Read more...]