Latest UK data:
Positive tests: 1,073,882 have tested positive (+ 20,018 new cases)
Loss of life: *47,250 across all settings (+ 397 in last 24 hours)
Cases in Cheshire East: 6,455 confirmed since start of the pandemic, + 834 in the 7 days to 29th October
*Daily reported COVID deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the first laboratory-confirmed positive COVID test
The R number and growth rate in the UK
The latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK.
Coronavirus cases in the UK: daily updated statistics
The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, cases and deaths in the UK. The way deaths are reported is based on a 28-day limit between the date of a positive lab-confirmed test and date of death.
Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences
Slides, datasets and transcripts from press conferences at 10 Downing Street in response to coronavirus
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated with latest global case numbers.
Full list of local COVID alert levels by area
The areas in England listed as local COVID alert level high and local COVID alert level very high.
England to go into new 4-week lockdown from 5th November to 2nd December
MPs will vote on the proposals later today. People across the country will only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons, similarly to the lockdown first imposed in March.
If approved the measures will be introduced at 00:01 GMT on Thursday and remain in place until Wednesday 2 December. Restrictions include the closure of pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops. People across the country will only be allowed to leave their homes for specific reasons, similarly to the lockdown first imposed in March. These include:
- For educational purposes such as attending school
- For work purposes if you cannot work from home
- To shop for essential items such as groceries
- For medical reasons such as appointments
- For exercise and recreational purposes outdoors
- To provide care for the vulnerable
- To attend places of worship for individual prayer
Prime Minister announces new national restrictions
New National Restrictions from 5 November
The change in restrictions comes as the head of NHS England warned there are 11,000 coronavirus patients in hospital in England – up from 2,000 at the start of October. Sir Simon Stevens also said the NHS would be “geared up” to deliver a potential vaccine before Christmas. He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “So, put another way, we’ve got 22 hospitals’ worth of coronavirus patients across England.
“And indeed, even since Saturday, when the prime minister gave his press conference, we filled another two hospitals full of severely ill coronavirus patients.”
The restrictions will come into force just after midnight if approved, and will last until 2 December. Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops will have to close.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told business leaders the lockdown, which is due to end on 2 December, will not be extended beyond that date.
The restrictions will come into force just after midnight if approved. Pubs, restaurants, gyms and non-essential shops will have to close.
Mortgage payment holidays extended
Mortgage payment holidays are being extended for homeowners financially affected by the pandemic. The scheme had been due to close on Saturday. Borrowers who have not yet had a mortgage holiday can request a pause in repayments for up to 6 months. Those who have already deferred can extend until they reach a 6-month limit. Interest will still accrue on the total borrowings.
International holidays banned until December 2nd
From Thursday, holidays both inside England and abroad will be banned until 2 December, as the government tries to stop a second wave of coronavirus from spreading. People with second homes are also banned from travelling to them.
BEIS Issue comprehensive details of business support packages
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has updated its Covid-19 financial support on offer to protect jobs and businesses as England re-enters lockdown from 5th November.
The BEIS is announcing:
- An extension to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme until 2 December
- More generous support to the self-employed and paying that support more quickly
- Cash grants of up to £3,000 per month for businesses which are closed
- £1.1 billion for councils to enable them to support businesses more broadly over the coming months, as a key part of the local economy
- Plans to extend existing Loan Schemes and Future Fund to the end of January and an ability to top-up Bounce Back Loans
- An extension to the mortgage payment holiday for homeowners
- Providing councils with up to £500m of funding to support the local healthcare response
Read the full details of the support here.
Other headlines
Independent shops have been “more agile” and better at surviving Covid-19 than chain stores, data indicates.
Small independent firms on the High Street suffered a net decline of 1,833 stores in the first half of 2020, according to research by the Local Data Company (LDC) and accountancy firm PwC.
That was less than a third of the 6,001 chain stores lost, the LDC said.
However, the two sectors together saw the biggest decline seen in the first half of a year since its records began.
Lucy Stainton, head of retail and strategic partnerships at the LDC, said it had been “an immensely challenging few months for the retail and hospitality sector”.
She said the independent market had fared better as those businesses had been “more agile, bringing in new product lines and offering food deliveries”.
They also had a smaller cost base to cover during periods of little or no trade and had been able to take advantage of government support schemes.
BBC: Multiple business leaders have hit out at the looming prospect of a second national lockdown in England, saying the potential damage “is immense”
The government maintains it has struck a balance between protecting jobs, the economy and saving live but Luke Johnson, who formerly ran Pizza Express, Patisserie Valerie and the Giraffe chain says: “The damage to confidence, entrepreneurs, investors, the destruction of jobs, unemployment and the social and welfare costs are immense.” This week, the London Ambulance Service revealed that it is now attending an average of 37 suicides a day, or attempted suicides, up from 22 a day in 2019. “I think that is a direct consequence of lockdown. People are losing their jobs, they are lonely, depressed, the mental health toll on the country is exponential,” says Mr Johnson. “I think it will be much worse this winter because people can’t go out into the sunshine and treat it as an extended sabbatical. It’s going to be much grimmer.”
Liverpool is the first location in England to trial city-wide COVID-19 testing.
Up to 2,000 military personnel will help plan the logistics and deliver tests. People in the city, either living there or working, will be offered tests, whether or not they have symptoms, with follow-up tests every two weeks or so. The Government said some will get new tests which offer results within an hour. If successful, these could be rolled out to “millions” by Christmas.
“New COVID-19 reality” leads to €197m loss for Ryanair
Budget airline Ryanair has reported a loss of €197m in the first half of the year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The firm, which reported a profit of €1.15bn for the same period of the previous year, has seen its traffic fall by 80 per cent to 17.1 million passengers. The airline saw 99 per cent of its fleet grounded from mid-March to the end of June as a result of the coronavirus crisis and subsequent travel restrictions.
Business confidence in the North West rose 11 points during October, according to the latest figures, but remains in the red.
Companies reported higher confidence in their own prospects, up month-on-month by 7 points. When taken alongside their views of the economy overall, this gives a headline confidence reading of -2 per cent –the highest of any region in the UK. When it comes to hiring intentions, a net balance of 25 per cent expect to reduce staff levels over the next year, up five points on last month. Read more at Insider
Recruitment initiatives seek to bolster Cheshire East economy ahead of second lockdown
Ahead of a second lockdown and extension of furlough, Cheshire East Council reminds businesses and workers of recruitment schemes in the region.
Council extends Covid-19 community response and recovery fund
The fund provides grants of up to £20,000 to help non-profit organisations maintain and continue services through Covid-19 restrictions.
MAG airport boss says airports and airlines will need to act quickly to secure their future if urgent support is not provided
The Chief Executive of the UK’s largest airport group has warned of tough decisions for parts of the UK airport industry, who may be forced to “act quickly to secure their future” after the Government announced an almost complete ban on international travel. In an article written after the ban was confirmed on Saturday, MAG CEO Charlie Cornish said urgent Government support was needed to prevent further large-scale job losses across an industry already impacted by “chaotic changes in policy” throughout the pandemic. Mr Cornish said the Prime Minister should offer an “urgent package of support” to aviation, pointing to dedicated support given to sectors like retail, hospitality and the rail industry, while aviation has been left to fend for itself. He also bemoaned the fact that the industry learned of the new travel ban on social media. He wrote: “Twitter is not the place where you want to find out that the Government is effectively shutting down the business you run.”
Business Secretary at the CBI 2020 Annual Conference
Business Secretary Alok Sharma’s speech for the Confederation of British Industry’s (CBI) 2020 Annual Conference.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension
The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get – updated the page to tell you the online service for the next grant will be available from 14 December 2020
Government increases support for self-employed across the UK
Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can claim to cover wages for employees on temporary leave (‘furlough’) due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
This scheme will issue convertible loans between £125,000 to £5 million to innovative companies which are facing financing difficulties due to the coronavirus outbreak. The application deadline has been extended to January 31 2021.
Apply for a coronavirus Bounce Back Loan
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) enables smaller businesses to access finance more quickly during the coronavirus outbreak – the application deadline has been extended to January 31 2020
Apply for the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme
The Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS) provides financial support to larger businesses affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) – application deadline has been extended to January 31 2021.
Apply for the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme
The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) provides financial support to smaller businesses affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) – application deadline has been extended to January 31 2021.
Coronavirus: driving theory tests
Theory tests are affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) – suspension of theory tests in England from 5 November 2020. They’ll start again on 2 December 2020.
Coronavirus: driving tests
Driving tests are affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) – suspension of driving tests in England from 5 November to 2 December 2020.
Guidance for DCMS sectors in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information for DCMS sectors in response to coronavirus – added ‘national restrictions’ callout box to page.
Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain: 30 October 2020
Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey covering the period 21 to 25 October 2020 to understand the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on people, households and communities in Great Britain.
Construction sites will continue to operate during the latest lockdown which comes into force from Thursday.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed that new Covid-19 curbing measures will last from November 5 until December 2. People are being told to work from home wherever possible. But Johnson said: “Workplaces should stay open where people can’t work from home – for example in the construction or manufacturing sectors.” The furlough scheme has also been extended until December with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500.
Package of support for students who have to defer their studies
Details on a range of opportunities to gain new skills, undertake work placements, additional learning and career development support. ‘Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS)’ section of document updated.
Poorest pupils can join catch-up scheme for learners affected by Covid-19
From today, schools in England can begin enrolling pupils in a national scheme designed to provide catch-up tuition for those whose learning suffered most during the spring lockdown. Research suggests the gap between disadvantaged pupils and their more privileged counterparts has widened significantly.
More than 15,000 tutors have been recruited – some qualified teachers, others students and volunteers – to provide small group or one-to-one support. Lessons will be 75% subsidised by the government. Education unions, though, say provision could and should have come from schools themselves, rather than external agencies. The government is insisting it will keep schools open during England’s second lockdown. That’s despite calls from unions and the mayors of some of the areas hardest hit by Covid-19.
What parents and carers need to know about early years providers, schools and colleges during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Information for parents and carers about going back to schools, nurseries and colleges in the autumn term – updated to include changes to information on self-isolation and shielding, who needs to get a test for coronavirus (COVID-19), face coverings, assessment and exams.
Higher education restructuring regime (HERR)
A scheme for higher education providers in England facing financial difficulties as a result of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Ofsted: coronavirus (COVID-19) rolling update
Ofsted guidance and information relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) for schools, early years, children’s social care and further education and skills providers – added new details of how we will carry out our work during the national restrictions starting on 5 November.
Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Attendance in education settings since Monday 23 March and early years settings since Thursday 16 April – added ‘Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – 23 March to 29 October 2020 (early years data only)’.
Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – 23 March to 29 October 2020 (early years data only)
A summary of attendance in education settings since Monday 23 March and early years settings since Thursday 16 April 2020.
PPE deliveries (England): 26 October to 1 November 2020
Experimental statistics showing the latest number of personal protective equipment (PPE) items distributed for use by health and social care services in England.
500,000 daily testing capacity reached in ongoing drive to boost test and trace
The UK’s daily coronavirus testing capacity passed the 500,000 mark on Saturday 31 October.
Temporary approval to suspend the need for signatures on prescriptions, dental and ophthalmic forms
Temporary approval to suspend the need for patients to sign prescription, dental and ophthalmic forms for a period of 5 months to 31 March 2021.
COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes
Guidance for those working in care homes providing information on how to work safely during this period of sustained transmission of COVID-19 – updated guidance on use of gloves.
COVID-19: how to work safely in domiciliary care in England
A resource for those working in domiciliary care providing information on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Weekly national flu and COVID-19 surveillance reports published
National influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring coronavirus (COVID-19) activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.
Circuit breakers – implementing (partial) lockdown for 2 weeks over half-term, 24 September 2020
Paper prepared by University of Warwick COVID Modelling Team on circuit breakers.
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features.
SAGE 61 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 8 October 2020.
Record of the discussion that took place at SAGE’s sixty-first meeting.
Eat Out to Help Out Scheme: receiving payments you were not entitled to
Find out information about repaying Eat Out to Help Out Scheme payments.
Repay Eat Out to Help Out Scheme payments
Find out how to pay back all or some of the payments your business claimed when taking part in the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme.
HMCTS weekly operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This page provides a weekly summary of the HM Courts and Tribunals Service operational position during the coronavirus pandemic
Courts and tribunals tracker list during coronavirus outbreak
This page held a tracker list of open, staffed and suspended courts during the coronavirus outbreak.
Local authority preparations for Remembrance Sunday
Information for councils in England on how to ensure those hosting local Remembrance events can do so safely. Guidance updated to reflect new national restrictions in England from 5 November.
COVID Support Force: the MOD’s continued contribution to the coronavirus response
Military personnel are supporting public services across the UK to assist with the response to COVID-19. This page has the latest information on the MOD’s activities.
New lockdown means evictions effectively off-limits for months
It is thought likely that the new four week lockdown in England coming into effect on Thursday will mean evictions will be extremely difficult to enforce for some months. Although the eviction ban actually ended several weeks ago, it was agreed last week that tenants living in areas under the old Tier 2 and Tier 3 Covid-19 restrictions in England and Wales were temporarily protected from eviction. The government asked bailiffs not to enforce court possession orders in areas with the highest Coronavirus restrictions. So although evictions could still proceed through the courts, bailiffs will not enforce court orders in Tier 2 and 3 areas.
Does being Covid-safe at home artificially lift house prices?A leading market analyst says the widespread belief that we are ‘safe’ in our homes may indirectly lead to the recent surge in house prices, which appears to show no sign of abating. Anthony Codling – the analyst who shot to fame for his searing critique of the sales performance of Purplebricks – has in recent weeks gone on the record querying why the housing market appears to be bucking the pessimistic mood of the country over the economy and Coronavirus. “It is not clear why house prices should rise as the economy weakens and lockdown II looms large” he says in a statement released over the weekend. He then goes on to give a possible answer to his query: “Perhaps being told we are safer at home gives us false confidence in the value of our homes?” he asks.
Mortgage payment holidays extended
Mortgage payment holidays are being extended for homeowners financially affected by the pandemic. The scheme had been due to close on Saturday. Borrowers who have not yet had a mortgage holiday can request a pause in repayments for up to 6 months. Those who have already deferred can extend until they reach a 6-month limit. Interest will still accrue on the total borrowings.
Knight Frank is in talks with HM Revenue and Customs to return furlough money as a result of relatively strong trading, notwithstanding the Coronavirus crisis.
“In the spring, with a great deal of uncertainty as to what the next few months of trading would offer, our group executive board decided it would be prudent to furlough staff in the UK and claim the appropriate grants” says group chairman Alistair Elliott. “But as we closed last financial year and began the new one, new budgets were formulated and plans developed. With markets stalled and our offices closed, it was the right decision for the time. Now as we pass the half-year point, income year to date is better than expected and, consequently, we have engaged with HMRC to establish the mechanisms upon which we will return these sums.”
Basket half full for Primark owner as revenues drop by a quarter
The owner of high street fashion chain Primark has reported that the brand saw its revenue drop by nearly a quarter this year.
Associated British Foods, which also owns companies including Twinings, George Weston Foods and British Sugar, said that Primark’s overall revenue in the year took a 24 per cent tumble, going from £7,792m in 2019 to £5,895m. The group said that the decline was mainly driven by the closure of Primark stores during the UK’s lockdown, which it estimates caused the company to lose £2bn in sales and £650m of profit.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on the phased return of sport and recreation
Guidance for the public, providers of outdoor sport facilities, elite athletes, personal trainers and coaches on the phased return of sport and recreation – updated
International holidays banned until December 2nd
From Thursday, holidays both inside England and abroad will be banned until 2 December, as the government tries to stop a second wave of coronavirus from spreading. People with second homes are also banned from travelling to them.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): travel corridors
List of countries, territories and regions from where you can travel to England and may not have to self-isolate – Cyprus and Lithuania removed from travel corridors exempt list 4am 1 November 2020.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents
This is advice for visa customers and applicants in the UK, visa customers outside of the UK and British nationals overseas who need to apply for a passport affected by travel restrictions associated with coronavirus. – updated information for if you’re in the UK and your visa or leave expires between 1 November and 30 November 2020. Updated ‘If you’re applying to enter the UK or remain on the basis of family or private life’ section to include information about the job support scheme and family emergency cases.
Useful Links:
Become a Green Homes Grant Supplier II – Trustmark and PAS 2030The new Green Homes Grant will give over 600,000 homeowners in England up to £10,000 to install insulation, heat pumps, draft proofing and more to help households cut energy bills.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) supports businesses that have been required to close due to temporary COVID-19 local lockdown restrictions imposed by the government.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant extension
The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get.
Hospitality venues in England are now legally required to enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4,000.
Designated businesses and organisations, including hospitality, close contact services and leisure venues, will also be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and required to display official NHS QR code posters under law
NHS Test and Trace service in the workplace
Guidance on the NHS Test and Trace service for employers, businesses and workers updated to reflect the new legal requirements for designated venues to collect contact details and display official NHS QR code posters from 24th September
Claim money back through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme
Find out how to claim the reimbursement for discounts given to diners with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme closed on 31 August 2020 – the page updated with removal of registration links.
Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.
Kickstart Scheme employer resources
If you’ve been offered Kickstart Scheme funding, you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme.
Kickstart Scheme employer contacts
List of regional contacts for employers applying for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak – guidance updated in line with new regulations coming into force on 4 July
Business Survey:
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
The Future Fund will provide UK Government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.
Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme set to launch
Employers will be able to make claims through the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme from 26 May.
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Government – Setting out of Road Map to recovery – 11th May 2020
Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s 60 page COVID-19 recovery strategy
The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. The strategy sets out a cautious roadmap to easing existing measures in a safe and measured way, subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread.
Coronavirus Act 2020: status
A table setting out the status of each measure in the Coronavirus Act 2020.
Government – Financial Support
New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business
Government – Financial Support
CBILS – A guide to whether it may be the best options for a business
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – Financial Support: HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
Bank of England – Financial Support: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2020/march/the-covid-corporate-financing-facility
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19
Media and Marketing:
Travel: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit: http://news.dwp.gov.uk/dwplz/lz.aspx?p1=MQsDU1NjQ5MlM2OTA0OjNCNDJBOEZCRTJDOUJEOTc1ODQ0RTRCRDNDNzk4QUNF-&CC=&p=0
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium https://brc.org.uk/news/corporate-affairs/coronavirus-latest-retailer-activity/
Resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.