Total UK Cases: 4,319,128 positive tests
Latest UK daily figure: 6,397 new cases
Number in UK hospital: 5,122 (354 new admissions)
New deaths across UK: 63
Total UK deaths: 126,445
England Cases per 100,000: 55.5 per 100,000
R number in UK: 0.6 to 0.9
Vaccine data:
Total 1st doses given: 28,991,188 up to and including 24 March 2021
Total 2nd doses given: 2,775,481
Latest Cheshire East data:
Total Cheshire East cases: 20,464
New cases in past 7 days: 204 to 20 March
Total deaths: 794
Cases per 100,000: 53.1 per 100,000
R number in North West: 0.7 to 0.9
Coronavirus cases in the UK: daily updated statistics
The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, cases and deaths in the UK. The way deaths are reported is based on a 28-day limit between the date of a positive lab-confirmed test and date of death.
Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences
Slides, datasets and transcripts from press conferences at 10 Downing Street in response to coronavirus
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated with latest global case numbers.
Government increases support for those self-isolating
To help people overcome the practical challenges of being asked to self-isolate, government has today (Friday 26 March) announced an extra £12.9 million a month in additional funding to local councils to help them provide people with more support. This new funding will help local authorities continue to support those who are isolating as we begin to cautiously ease restrictions, going towards food deliveries, help with caring responsibilities and support for people’s wellbeing.
On top of this, £3.2 million per month has been allocated to a free medicines delivery service for people who are self-isolating and don’t have access to help in collecting their prescription. Community pharmacies and dispensing doctors are already funded to provide a medicines delivery service in instances where shielding advice is in place, and this system is being replicated to cover people who need to self-isolate.
Wales to allow free movement but only within its own borders
With the number of new coronavirus cases, admissions to hospital and deaths across the country broadly continuing to decline, Wales becomes the first UK nation to scrap travel restrictions. From tomorrow, residents will be able to move freely within Wales, while self-contained tourist accommodation including many hotels and cottages can also reopen. However, a bar on non-essential travel to and from other UK nations will continue for at least another fortnight. The Welsh government is also relaxing rules on meeting outdoors and in gardens, allowing for six people from two households.
Data shows COVID-19 vaccines have prevented thousands of deaths in older adults
Analysis carried out by Public Health England suggests that the COVID-19 vaccination programme prevented 6,100 deaths in England up to the end of February 2021. The results are very similar to those estimated by Warwick University (also published in today’s report), which used a different approach to model the number of deaths with and without the vaccination programme. Warwick University’s estimate suggested that the programme has prevented around 6,600 deaths across all age groups.
Santander to shut Manchester and Liverpool offices plus 111 branches
Santander is shutting 111 branches including several in the north with many staff now working from home. The banking giant said the plans come as it consolidates its office sites into six main locations across the UK and introduce more flexible working. Milton Keynes, where the bank is investing £150m into a state-of-the-art new campus, will become the bank’s UK headquarters, alongside bases in Belfast, Bradford, Glasgow, London and Sheffield.
Nationwide to close offices as 13,000 staff given permanent remote working options
Building society Nationwide has announced that it will permanently allow thousands of its staff to work ‘anywhere’. 13,000 of the company’s office staff will be able to work interchangeably from home, their local branch or the firm’s HQ. The news comes as Nationwide plans to close three of its offices in Swindon following the move to remote working as a result of the pandemic.
In a Nationwide survey of staff, 57 per cent said they wanted to work from home full-time after lockdown ends, while 36 per cent said they preferred a combination of home and office-based work.
Vaccine passports for pub goers?
When asked about whether pub goers could be asked to produce a vaccine certificate during a House of Commons Liaison Hearing Committee meeting, Prime Minister Boris Johnson told MPs it “may be up to individual publicans”. A government source told the BBC that the option of allowing people to show a negative test is also being looked at. Plans are being considered as part of a review into whether people should have to prove they have been vaccinated, as lockdown measures ease.
Government-backed loans help thousands of businesses to protect jobs during pandemic
Government-backed finance helped thousands of businesses through the pandemic with a loan issued through the Bounce Back Loan scheme roughly every 20 seconds since its launch last May, new figures reveal today, 25 March 2021.
EU Leaders and UK to discuss increase in vaccine supplies
Creating a “win-win” situation for Covid vaccine supplies is the goal for UK and European Union (EU) leaders as a third wave of coronavirus infections sweeps across Europe. EU leaders are holding virtual talks laterto discuss ways of boosting and improving the rollout of doses across the 27-nation bloc, which could affect supply to the UK. This is because the European Commission will be asking leaders to support plans for added controls on vaccine exports, which would aim to boost supplies within the union. But leaders are divided over proposals for new restrictions and this division comes as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned against imposing “blockades”.
Joint Statement from HMG and the European Commission on cooperation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic
A joint statement from the UK Government and the European Commission on cooperation in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Useful Government links for easing out of lockdown:
New assets:
- Roadmap – Spring 2021: including the easing of restrictions from 29 March
- Covid-19 Vaccine
- Workplace Testing
- Back To School translations
- Stay Home translations
New BBC videos in 5 South Asian languages:
- Travelling Rules
- Lockdown Mental Health Tips
- Vaccine Scams
- Lockdown rules explained
- Test and trace
- Vaccine explainer
- Vaccine Q&A
- Vaccine myths busting
Bollington named on Sunday Times Best Places to Live 2021 list
Judges praised the village for its easy access to countryside, as well as its food and drink offering. Stroud in Gloucestershire was named Best Place to Live in Britain.
Council invites Cheshire East SMEs to join ADAPT programme
200 SMEs are invited to be a part of the ADAPT programme to explore how digital technologies can boost their productivity and recover after Covid-19.
HMRC coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics
HMRC data about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, the Eat Out to Help Out scheme, and the VAT payments deferral scheme – added a link to the Official Statistics publication ‘Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme statistics: March 2021’.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme statistics: March 2021
Time series and statistics as at 28 February 2021 on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, with analysis by scheme size, sector, geography, gender and flexible furlough.
HM Treasury coronavirus (COVID-19) business loan scheme statistics
HMT management information about the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS), Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) and Future Fund Scheme.
NHS Test and Trace in the workplace
What to do if you or someone you employ is contacted by NHS Test and Trace, including self-isolation, sick pay and financial support.
Making a childcare bubble with another household
How you can get informal childcare for anyone under 14 from friends and family you do not live with – updated to clarify rules on eligibility for bubbles and advice on self-isolation.
Making a support bubble with another household
How you can safely expand the group of people you have close contact with during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic – updated to clarify rules on eligibility for bubbles, providing care and support, and advice on self-isolation.
Private providers of coronavirus testing
Lists of and information about approved suppliers of private testing kits for coronavirus (COVID-19).
Awarding organisation coronavirus (COVID-19) information pages
A list of links to coronavirus (COVID-19) information provided by Ofqual-recognised awarding organisations.
Vocational, technical and other general qualifications in 2021
Publications relating to the awarding of vocational, technical and other general qualifications in the academic year 2020 to 2021 – added the Vocational and technical qualifications contingency regulatory framework and Consultation on autumn assessment opportunities for VTQs.
GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in 2021
Publications relating to the awarding of GCSE, AS and A level qualifications in the academic year 2020 to 2021 – added guidance on making objective judgements and guidance on submitting grades.
General Qualifications Alternative Awarding Framework
Regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering specific general qualifications in 2021 in the context of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Vocational and technical qualifications contingency regulatory framework
Part of a suite of documents setting out our regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering vocational and technical qualifications affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Submission of teacher assessed grades, summer 2021: info for teachers
Information for heads of centre, heads of department and teachers on the submission of teacher assessed grades: summer 2021.
Information for centres about making objective judgements
Guidance for centres on making judgements that will support awarding in 2021
Regulatory arrangements for the awarding of vocational and technical and other general qualifications in 2020-2021
Consultation on the detail of the VTQ Contingency Regulatory Framework – consultation outcomes added and previous versions of relevant documents clearly labelled as DRAFT.
Consultation on autumn assessment opportunities for VTQs
The vocational and Technical qualifications Contingency Regulatory Framework: Consultation on proposed Condition VCR8 Assessment opportunity in 2021.
Submission of teacher assessed grades, summer 2021: info for teachers
Information for heads of centre, heads of department and teachers on the submission of teacher assessed grades: summer 2021.
Extraordinary regulatory framework: VTQ, Covid-19 Conditions and Requirements
These documents set out our regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering vocational and technical qualifications during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 – the ERF and EERF are now no longer in force except under some specific circumstances: so that learners who last year received calculated results (or who have deferred calculated results) will still be able to carry them forward into their qualification results in summer 2021; so that any appeal against a result issued under the ERF can continue; and to require awarding organisations to keep records of their decision making for 3 years
Information for centres about making objective judgements
Guidance for centres on making judgements that will support awarding in 2021
Regulatory arrangements for the awarding of vocational and technical and other general qualifications in 2020-2021
Consultation on the detail of the VTQ Contingency Regulatory Framework – consultation outcomes added and previous versions of relevant documents clearly labelled as DRAFT.
Consultation on autumn assessment opportunities for VTQs
The vocational and Technical qualifications Contingency Regulatory Framework: Consultation on proposed Condition VCR8 Assessment opportunity in 2021.
Extraordinary regulatory framework: VTQ, Covid-19 Conditions and Requirements
These documents set out our regulatory requirements for awarding organisations offering vocational and technical qualifications during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020 – the ERF and EERF are now no longer in force except under some specific circumstances: so that learners who last year received calculated results (or who have deferred calculated results) will still be able to carry them forward into their qualification results in summer 2021; so that any appeal against a result issued under the ERF can continue; and to require awarding organisations to keep records of their decision making for 3 years
Early years and childcare: coronavirus (COVID-19)
What early years providers need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – added guidance on ‘Asymptomatic testing: early years staff in different settings’ to the collection.
Induction for newly qualified teachers during the coronavirus outbreak
Guidance about changes to newly qualified teacher (NQT) induction during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – added a link to the updated guidance ‘Induction for early career teachers (England)’.
Middle-aged women ‘worst affected by long Covid’
Five months on, 70% of patients studied were found to be affected by a range of conditions, anxiety, breathlessness, fatigue, muscle pain and brain fog.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested
Guidance on coronavirus testing, including who is eligible for a test and how to get tested – added links to new pages on testing in adult care homes and in all adult social care settings.
PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
PPE portal: how to order COVID-19 personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eligible health and social care providers can order PPE through the portal to meet the increased need that has arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic – updated information on visor order limits.
Asymptomatic testing: secondary schools and colleges
Information for schools and colleges about testing from January – we have revised the guidance to provide information on home testing and symptomatic testing of staff, students and pupils.
Asymptomatic testing: primary and maintained nursery school staff
Information on rapid asymptomatic coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for staff in primary schools, school-based nurseries and maintained nursery schools – updated the guidance to include information on who should be offered testing, how the testing works, testing pupils and what staff with symptoms or a positive test result need to do.
Asymptomatic testing: early years staff in different settings
How staff in early years settings can access regular rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing.
Coronavirus England briefing, 24 March 2021
Epidemiological data and hospitalisation metrics used by the government to brief MPs on local restriction tiers.
Weekly statistics for NHS Test and Trace (England)
Experimental statistics from the NHS Test and Trace service and related documents.
Cycling and walking investment strategy 2
Announcement of the planned creation of a second cycling and walking investment strategy for actions beyond 2021.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey: characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19 in England, 25 March 2021
This release provides data about the characteristics of people testing positive for COVID-19 from the COVID-19 Infection Survey. This survey is being delivered in partnership with the University of Oxford, the University of Manchester, and Public Health England.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions
A weekly report covering adverse reactions to approved COVID-19 vaccines – updated to include new data up to 14 March.
Coronavirus cases by local authority: epidemiological data, 25 March 2021
Weekly watchlist giving epidemiological coronavirus (COVID-19) data for each lower-tier local authority (LTLA) in England.
COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities
Non-statutory guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities in the private and social rented sectors in the context of Coronavirus (COVID-19) – updated to 1) reflect the government’s commitment to extend the prevention of evictions by enforcement officers in England to 31 May 2021 and 2) confirm that legislation requiring landlords to provide 6 months’ notice to tenants in most cases has been extended until 31 May 2021
Government tweaks Covid guidance for rental sector ahead of new rules
The government has revised its official guidance for the private rental sector and local authorities in the light of imminently-changing Coronavirus advice. The updates are not fundamental but reflect the fact that on March 29 – Monday – the ‘stay at home’ rule lapses, meaning the return of the ‘Rule of Six’ for outdoor gatherings. From Monday, either six people or two households will be allowed to meet outdoors, including in private gardens. Rules which came into place on March 8 only allowed people to meet outdoors with one person from outside their household, so the change from March 29 will allow for more socialising.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): grassroots sports guidance for safe provision including team sport, contact combat sport and organised sport events
Information on how to safely provide grassroots sport and physical activity during COVID restrictions, including the team sport framework, contact combat sport framework, and advice on organised sport participation events – updated to include changes to national restrictions
Get a coronavirus (COVID-19) test if you’re an HGV or van driver
You must take a coronavirus (COVID-19) test before you leave the UK for some countries – no longer a requirement for a coronavirus test to enter France
Providers of day 2 and day 8 coronavirus testing for international arrivals
Information on the 2 tests you must book, pay for and take during your mandatory 10-day quarantine period after arriving in England, including how to book.
Some new providers added, some removed, some prices changed
Useful Links:
Coronavirus Roadmap out of lockdown – what and when?
From 29 March:
- People will be allowed to meet outside, either with one other household or within the “rule of six”, including in private gardens
- The stay at home rule will end, but the government will urge people to stay local as much as possible
- Outdoor sport facilities will reopen, including golf courses and tennis and basketball courts, and formally organised outdoor sports can restart
- Weddings attended by up to six people can take place in any circumstances
Stage two (no earlier than 12 April):
- All shops allowed to open, along with close-contact services, including hairdressers and beauty salons (including in people’s homes)
- Restaurants and pubs allowed to serve food and alcohol to customers sitting outdoors Gyms and spas can reopen, as can zoos, theme parks, libraries and community centres
- Members of the same household can take a holiday in the UK in self-contained accommodation
- Weddings attended by up to 15 people can take place
Stage three (no earlier than 17 May):
- People can meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors
- Six people or two households can meet indoors
- Pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues can seat customers indoors
- Up to 30 people can attend weddings or other life events, like christenings
- Remaining outdoor entertainment, such as outdoor theatres and cinemas can open
- Indoor entertainment such as museums, theatres, cinemas and children’s play areas can open
- Performances and large events can restart, but with limits on audience numbers
- Hotels, hostels and B&Bs can reopen
- International leisure travel may resume
- Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes can restart
Stage four (no earlier than 21 June):
- All legal limits on social contact will be removed
- No legal limits on the number of people who can attend weddings, funerals and other life events
- Nightclubs will be allowed to reopen
Publishing information about your claimsIn January HMRC published the list of employers who claimed under the CJRS for periods from December onwards, on GOV.UK.
Repayment period for Bounce Back Loans extended to ten yearsBusinesses that took out government Bounce Back loans to help them through the Coronavirus crisis now have more time to repay. Companies will be contacted with options to extend the length of the loan from six to 10 years as part of a new ‘pay-as-you-grow’ initiative. The new proposals give businesses three new options:
1. Extending the length of the loan from six years to 10;
2. Making interest-only payments for six months, then repaying the principal on a phased basis with other interest-only periods;
3. Delaying repayments entirely for up to six months.
COVID-19 Winter Plan
The government’s plan for managing COVID-19 through the end of 2020 and into the start of 2021.
Government extends JRS furlough scheme at 80% for period of lockdown
The government has said the furlough scheme, due to have closed on 31st October, would now be extended until December.
Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check which employees you can put on furlough to use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Calculate how much you can claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Steps to take before calculating your claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
New National Restrictions from 5 November
Information on the new national restrictions, including what they mean for working from home and business closures, why they are being introduced and the financial support available.
Job Retention Bonus (JRB)
Employers are able to claim a one-off payment of £1,000 for every eligible employee furloughed and claimed for through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), kept continuously employed until at least 31 January 2021 and who meets the other eligibility criteria. Claims can be made between 15 February and 31 March.
Become a Green Homes Grant Supplier II – Trustmark and PAS 2030The new Green Homes Grant will give over 600,000 homeowners in England up to £10,000 to install insulation, heat pumps, draft proofing and more to help households cut energy bills.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) supports businesses that have been required to close due to temporary COVID-19 local lockdown restrictions imposed by the government.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant extension
The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get.
Hospitality venues in England are now legally required to enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4,000.
Designated businesses and organisations, including hospitality, close contact services and leisure venues, will also be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and required to display official NHS QR code posters under law
NHS Test and Trace service in the workplace
Guidance on the NHS Test and Trace service for employers, businesses and workers updated to reflect the new legal requirements for designated venues to collect contact details and display official NHS QR code posters from 24th September
Claim money back through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme
Find out how to claim the reimbursement for discounts given to diners with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme closed on 31 August 2020 – the page updated with removal of registration links.
Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.
Kickstart Scheme employer resources
If you’ve been offered Kickstart Scheme funding, you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme.
Kickstart Scheme employer contacts
List of regional contacts for employers applying for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak – guidance updated in line with new regulations coming into force on 4 July
Business Survey:
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
The Future Fund will provide UK Government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.
Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme set to launch
Employers will be able to make claims through the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme from 26 May.
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Government – Setting out of Road Map to recovery – 11th May 2020
Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s 60 page COVID-19 recovery strategy
The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. The strategy sets out a cautious roadmap to easing existing measures in a safe and measured way, subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread.
Coronavirus Act 2020: status
A table setting out the status of each measure in the Coronavirus Act 2020.
Government – Financial Support
New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business
Government – Financial Support
CBILS – A guide to whether it may be the best options for a business
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – Financial Support: HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
Bank of England – Financial Support: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2020/march/the-covid-corporate-financing-facility
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19
Media and Marketing:
Travel: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit: http://news.dwp.gov.uk/dwplz/lz.aspx?p1=MQsDU1NjQ5MlM2OTA0OjNCNDJBOEZCRTJDOUJEOTc1ODQ0RTRCRDNDNzk4QUNF-&CC=&p=0
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium https://brc.org.uk/news/corporate-affairs/coronavirus-latest-retailer-activity/
Resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.