Macclesfield Town Council has launched a community engagement process to find out what residents think makes the town distinctive as they prepare a Character Area Assessment to help inform the impact of future developments.
The Town Council’s short survey seeks to understand what residents believe make Macclesfield a special and unique place to ensure that these aspects of the town are properly understood and celebrate when making planning decisions in the future. Distinctive features of Macclesfield could include an interesting fact about local people or places, a unique piece of local history or even a particular view.
The survey form, downloadable below, asks the following three questions:
- What do you think is special about Macclesfield?
- What in your local area is distinctive (e.g. interesting local history, buildings/features)?
- How would you like to see Macclesfield look in 20 years’ time?
Respondents should include where in Macclesfield they live or work, as well as any photos that could help illustrate their answers as to what makes the town distinctive.
Answers will help the town council prepare the Character Assessment, and responses may be quoted anonymously within the final report.
Comments to be returned by 17th December 2021 to civic@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk, delivered to the Old Town Hall or by post to: Community Engagement Survey, Macclesfield Town Council Town Hall, Market Place Macclesfield SK10 1EA.