Marketing WAM held its latest monthly meeting this week with a major focus on Macclesfield and ambition a common theme.
On the virtual call were representatives from AstraZeneca, Cheshire East Council, Macclesfield FC, King’s School, SAS Daniels, Fabric IT and Sodexo Bruntwood and many others from the local WAM business community and the mood was upbeat.
Buoyed by vaccine news from AstraZeneca the meeting looked at headlines around recovery as well as ongoing regeneration commitments in Macclesfield with Cllr Nick Mannion.
The future of Macclesfield FC was also in the spotlight. The club will open its football playing doors next August a transformed force for good in the town, a vision explained by ambassador Nick Bianchi of Arighi Bianchi.
Also contributing was Warren Moores from SAS Daniels and Carl Enser from Fabric IT with their view of what they see as the main preoccupations of 2021 from an employment law and IT perspective and what positives we can take from the pandemic.
To wrap up Wendy Bray of the Seashell Trust outlined a super-inclusive online World Record Attempt taking place on 5th December involving ace chocolatier Oli Dunn to have the most people ever making chocolate lollipops at the same time. There are over 870 signed up to the challenge – they need 500 to break the record!
The chat in detail
Cllr Nick Mannion outlined emerging headline messages from recent public surveys exploring residents and businesses thoughts on what is needed for recovery. These include:
- a desire to promote a proactive Spend Local campaign – to encourage residents and businesses to look for independents in the town and spend money with them
- requests for consideration of initiatives for reduced car parking charges such as free after three initiatives to help get shoppers back in (click here for how to contribute to a current consultation on the issue)
- a strong desire to see outdoor space, especially the marketplace, used more by hospitality and the community to attract footfall back
- ensuring all the required safety measures are in place and enforced
- improving communications to the whole community, being mindful of older members not necessarily IT-savvy.
Cllr Mannion also flagged a variety of new grants that are available to support businesses – £90m has already been distributed – and advised all business owners to check on eligibility and apply via a single application form. Click here for more info on this.
Nine months on from his first town regeneration briefing around Macclesfield’s brand qualities – green, creative quirky and connected – Nick was also keen to stress no foot has been taken off the gas on the wider regeneration vision for the town.
Nick Bianchi gave an inspiring insight into the last five-week journey for Macc FC after Rob Smethurst’s widely publicised purchase of the club and plans to put it back proud and loud at the centre of the community.
Doors to its first match – probably in a NW County League – will open on 5th August 2021 and Nick was upbeat about the community response – both from fans and commercial partners. He said:
We have been amazed by the outpouring of support from everyone – with 3000 applications for membership – that’s nearly three times the average gate of recent years – and some strong commercial deals with big names – global brands in their own space – who share our vision for the football club and Macclesfield as a whole – it’s very exciting.
“We now have around nine months to get all the investment and infrastructure in place. Any business wanting to know more should get in touch with the club or via Marketing WAM.”
Marketing WAM Publishing Director Sue Souter commented:
The energy and excitement was palpable from Nick and I am sure Macc FC will a big success. It reflects a wider sense of pride in place at the moment and inclusivity. Key businesses, organisations and schools have long been making waves nationally, and indeed internationally, from this part of Cheshire – why not the football team?
“It will certainly continue to benefit from Robbie Savage’s association – Director of Football – and all round champion of grassroots sport.”
Employment and IT challenges from ongoing remote working practices into 2021 were touched on by both Warren and Carl. They gave a heads up on the importance of employee welfare and being better protected from increasing cyber-crime in our new world order.
For more info on either please get in touch with Warren or Carl direct or ask the Marketing WAM team to fire on any queries.
Marketing WAM Business Development Director Jan Cowan added:
We will continue to focus our efforts on Macclesfield to ensure that all council, football, business and community initiatives have a powerful narrative underneath. We need to be relentless in communicating positivity, partnerships and connections which will bring us all back from a super challenging year.”
Marketing WAM is a membership organisation committed to promoting, supporting and connecting businesses in East Cheshire and has a growing community.
A vibrant publishing arm posts stories every day from the region and a monthly meeting schedule – virtual at the moment – will cover a range of topics in 2021, designed to contribute to growth and success for its membership.
Health and wellbeing, Macclesfield, tech, biosciences and creative – our key economic sweet spots – will all feature.
Anyone wishing to know more about membership can learn more here, or contact Sue or Jan on 01625 837237 or email.
Follow us on on Twitter @MktgWAM.