The number of small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) looking to adopt a CRM system rose by 16% on the previous year, according to a survey by business software firm, Workbooks.
The survey also found that many small businesses had changed priorities as a result of the pandemic, with as many as 60% reporting a radical transformation due to lockdown and ongoing social distancing. Workbooks found that due to increased home working, both of customers and employees, SMEs could expect communication improvements from adopting a CRM system to manage customer records. John Cheney, Workbook’s CEO commented on the survey’s findings:
Our customers are relying more on the access to data and insight from colleagues and partners and, at the same time, have limited amount of personal interaction. It has therefore become even more important to have a rich and fully functional CRM to draw greater customer insights.”
Workbook’s research also reported that while 76% of businesses surveyed had adopted home-working due to the pandemic, only 16% of respondents had returned to the office, suggesting changes in how and where we work were here to stay and has been behind the year-on-year rise in interest in CRM solutions from small businesses. John Cheney continued:
The need to get a clear view of their sales and marketing pipeline to deliver the best customer experience has been a major factor in driving this interest.
“In the near future, we’ll see a take-up of about 100 percent as more companies become aware of the benefits that CRM will bring them. Companies who have gone down this route will benefit from greater insights, enabling them to react to changing market conditions in a timely manner. This in turn will mean that their customers will be better served.”