Latest UK data to 23th June:
Total tests: 8,309,929 tests have been carried out or posted out
Positive tests: 306,210 have tested positive +874 cases on previous day
Loss of life: 42,927 across all settings, (+ 171 on previous day)
Number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk in the UK
The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and risk level in the UK.
Government media briefings:
Tuesday 23rd June:
Prime Minister Boris Johnson held the government’s daily press briefing on the coronavirus. Future briefings will only take place for significant announcments, rather than provide daily updates.
- People can stay 1m apart with added precautions, such as plastic screens, not sitting face-to-face, and wearing masks if 2m distancing is not possible
- Hotels, pubs, bars, cinemas and many other businesses can open from July 4th as previously announced, with additional precautionary measures in place
- Members of two different households can meet from 4th July, either inside or outside, with a minimum 1m social distancing required. Overnight stays are also permitted.
- While overall deaths in the UK are returning to normal levels, the coronavirus outbreak is growing in other parts of the world and is expected to be in circulation in the UK into 2021.
Monday 22nd June:
Health Secretary Matt Hancock held the government’s daily press briefing on the coronavirus.
- Lowest number of deaths recorded since 15th March
- Infections are falling and the ‘virus is in retreat’
- PM will announce further measures in relaxing of lockdown today
- From 6th July, those shielding will be able to meet others in groups of six
- Shielding will be officially paused on 1st August
Answers to the most common topics asked about by the public for the coronavirus press conference
Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences
Prime Minister Boris Johnsons announces new measures as part of easing of lockdown in England:
- 2m distancing rule reduced to 1m from 4th July
- From 4th July 2 households of any size can meet in any setting, inside or out
- Reopening of restaurants and pubs from 4th July with new strict guidance
- Hairdressers can open from 4th July
- Most tourist attractions may open so long as they can do safely
In an open letter published in the British Medical Journal, ministers were warned that urgent action would be needed to prevent further loss of life. The presidents of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons, Nursing, Physicians, and GPs all signed the letter. It comes after Boris Johnson announced sweeping changes to England’s lockdown. The Department of Health said it would continue to be guided by the latest scientific advice and would give the NHS “whatever it needs”
Meeting people from outside your household from 4 July
How you can see people that you do not live with while protecting yourself and others from coronavirus (COVID-19) from 4 July 2020.
Plans to ease guidance for over 2 million shielding
Millions of people shielding from coronavirus (COVID-19) will be advised they can spend more time outside their homes from Monday 6 July, the Health and Social Care Secretary has announced. They will no longer be required to shield at all from 1st August, so long as it is safe to do so
Coronavirus and the effects on the UK Balance of Payments
How the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the wider containment efforts are expected to impact on UK balance of payments as well as some of the challenges that National Statistical Institutes are likely to face.
BBC: Cinemas, museums and galleries set to open from 6th July
Cinemas, museums and galleries will be able to reopen in England from 4 July, Boris Johnson is expected to later today as he outlines a further easing of coronavirus restrictions.Venues closed since the middle of March will be able to welcome visitors as long as safety measures are in place. The PM is also due to set out how pubs can safely reopen following a review of the 2m distancing rule. Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at yesterday evening’s press briefing the virus was “in retreat”. Mr Hancock said England was “clearly on track” to further ease lockdown restrictions but No 10 warned the moves would be reversed if they led to a surge in new infections. There were fewer than 1,000 confirmed new cases announced on Monday, the lowest daily figure since the lockdown started on 23 March, while the number of people in hospital with the virus has fallen below 5,000. The number of daily virus deaths also fell to 15, the lowest since 15 March. However, the figures often dip on Mondays due to reporting delays.
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government: New plans to get Britain building in post coronavirus recovery
Planning permission deadlines will be extended, planning appeals will be sped up and builders will be allowed more flexible working hours following agreement with their local council. Planning permission usually expires after three years if work has not started onsite. Sites with consent that have an expiry date between the start of lockdown and the end of this year will now see their consent extended to 1 April 2021. This will prevent work that has been temporarily disrupted by the pandemic from stopping altogether. The government estimates that by the end of this month alone, more than 400 residential permissions providing more than 24,000 new homes would have expired. The new measures will help these developments and more resume as the economy recovers. New measures?will also permanently grant the Planning Inspectorate?(PINS)?the ability to use more than one procedure – written representations, hearings and inquiries – at the same time when dealing with a planning appeal, enabling appeals to happen much faster.
Coronavirus outbreaks hit meat packaging plants in UK, Europe and US
Hundreds of workers have tested positive at meat plants on Anglesey, in West Yorkshire and Wrexham. Overseas plants severely overseas include Germany, France, Spain and in the US. Factories and, in particular, indoor areas which are cold and damp provide the prefect environment for coronavirus to linger and spread
Spain to allow UK tourists without quarantine
UK tourists will be able to visit Spain without having to quarantine on arrival from
Sunday, Spanish officials say. Spain’s foreign affairs minister has told the BBC that British citizens will be allowed to enter the country freely, without the need to self-isolate. She said the decision had been made “out of respect” for the 400,000 Britons who have second homes in Spain. But current rules state that anyone returning to – or entering – the UK still has to self-isolate for 14 days.
It is understood the UK’s quarantine restrictions will be reviewed on 29 June.
The UK Foreign Office is still warning against all but essential international travel.
Compulsory schooling begins in France
In France, going to school is now compulsory from Monday for everyone up to the age of 15. Only lycées – or high schools, which cover the last three years of school education – are not affected. Schools have been open for several weeks, but only on a voluntary basis. Read more on how France and other European countries are easing their way out of lockdown.
Government publishes coronavirus (COVID-19) R value and growth rates
The government has published UK wide and regional growth rates for England for the first time, alongside R values.
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated global case numbers.
UK Covid-19 alert level downgraded from four to three
Under level three, the virus is now considered to be ‘in general circulation’ and there could be a “gradual relaxation of restrictions”. Previously transmission was considered “high or rising exponentially”.
National COVID-19 surveillance reports
National COVID-19 surveillance reports, including weekly summary of findings monitored through various COVID-19 surveillance systems – added week 25 report and infographic.
Second phase of Discretionary Grant Fund opens for applications from Cheshire East business on 26th June
Cheshire East Council has announced the second phase of the local discretionary grant fund, which will reopen for applications at 8am on Friday 26 June and close at 8am on the 10 July 2020.
The council has already implemented a first phase of this grant scheme which closed on 15 June. Phase one of the discretionary grant scheme received over 450 applications from small business which are currently being assessed.
North’s leaders call for fast track investment from Government
The North’s political and business leaders are urging the government to speed up transport investment that will help rebuild the North of England’s economy post-pandemic. Transport for the North has written to Transport Secretary Grant Shapps MP setting out 13 key areas that will help rebuild and transform the region and “lay the foundations for sustainable future growth.”
These include changing ticketing on public transport and launching low carbon pilot schemes, speeding up delivery of shorter-term road and rail improvements, and accelerating Northern Powerhouse Rail. The letter also highlights the need for investment in high speed rural broadband alongside transport investment, plus committing to sustained investment in active travel and other initiatives which need to be progressed at pace to combat the economic shockwave from the global pandemic. These projects make up TfN’s ‘Economic Recovery Plan’ for the region and builds on the existing Strategic Transport Plan and Northern Infrastructure Pipeline – a 30-year blueprint for investment in infrastructure to transform the North’s economy.
Safe travel measures in place at Manchester Airport
As flights resume to a growing number of destinations, Manchester Airport has implemented new safe travel measures to ensure safety of passengers travelling through the Northern hub. The changes implemented come following new official guidance from government, and a series of trial programmes in recent weeks. The airport has updated its advice to passengers to prepare for their journeys. The new security and safety measures have been put in place to protect the wellbeing of staff and passengers during the Covid-19 pandemic, and to reassure passengers that they can be confident that it is safe to travel.
Bounce Back Plan announced for agriculture, food and drink industry
The agriculture, food and drink industry is the UK’s largest manufacturing industry and plays a vital role in the UK’s food supply chain, which contributed £121 billion to the UK economy in 2018 – supporting around 4 million jobs. In 2019, UK food, feed and drink exports were worth £23.7bn – up 4.9% from 2018. The measures introduced today will support producers, manufacturers and agri-tech companies across the food supply chain, from farm to fork, and has been developed with insight from the devolved administrations, trade associations, businesses and DIT’s regional and international networks. The UK agriculture, food and drink industry has been significantly impacted by Coronavirus. Although it has done well to adapt, exports have been hit and the Government is committed to supporting this most important of industries get back into international markets and start growing market share once again.
Dairy Response Fund 2020
The Dairy Response Fund 2020 provides support to eligible dairy farmers in England who produce cows’ milk. They can apply for a one-off payment – sentence added to “What you need to do” section to mention that the eligibility calculator might not work in all web browsers.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses
The latest information for farmers, landowners and rural businesses during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Latest news updated: Fund to support dairy farmers opens for applications and Amendments to BPS applications using the Rural Payments service.
Families in Great Britain are faced with the most severe economic contraction in more than 100 years. Much of the immediate focus among policy makers has been on the size and distribution of falls in families’ incomes but household wealth, both savings and debt, will play a hugely important role in shaping how far families’ living standards will fall during the crisis. This report is the first in a series of comprehensive, annual reports covering the state of wealth in Britain. In it we focus on the scale and distribution of families’ assets and debt prior to the coronavirus crisis and what that means for living standards. The report also presents evidence from a new survey on how families’ balance sheets have been affected in the early phase of the crisis. The crisis is disproportionately affecting families on low-to-middle incomes and this has profound implications for policy makers.
Meeting people from outside your household from 4 July
How you can see people that you do not live with while protecting yourself and others from coronavirus (COVID-19) from 4 July 2020.
£105 million to keep rough sleepers safe and off the streets during coronavirus pandemic
Interim housing for thousands of rough sleepers taken off the streets during the pandemic to be provided.
Staying safe outside your home
The principles you should follow to ensure that time spent outside your home is as safe as possible – updated to reflect newly announced guidance.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Accessing food and essential supplies
How to get food and other essential supplies during the coronavirus pandemic – added guidance on changes to advice on shielding.
Coronavirus and travel to work: June 2020
This release provides contextual data on travel to work patterns from the Census and Annual Population Survey. It provides data on method of travel to work and distance of travel to work split by industry sectors and workplace location.
DELVE: Report on face masks for the general public, 21 April 2020
Paper prepared by the Data Evaluation and Learning for Viral Epidemics (DELVE) group in the Royal Society.
Potential impact of face covering on the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 in the UK, 20 April 2020
Paper prepared by Imperial College.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to social housing residents
Letter from the Minister of Housing setting out the measures that are in place to support social housing residents during the next phase towards reopening society.
Vulnerable Children National Charities Strategic Relief Fund
Details of the £7.6 million Vulnerable Children National Charities Strategic Relief Fund and how to apply – added ‘The Vulnerable Children National Charities Strategic Relief Fund: clarification document’ and an updated version of the application form.
Coronavirus and the social impacts on young and older people in Great Britain: 3 April to 10 May 2020
Indicators from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on young and older people in Great Britain. This release uses five waves of survey results covering the period from 3 April 2020 to 10 May 2020.
Fit out contractor tests show 53% have had coronavirus
Fit out contractor Collins Construction has confirmed a 53% positive rate after employees, their families and subcontractors were offered Covid-19 antibody tests. The firm linked-up with the private Corona Test Centre to test 231 people last week. Full results shared with the Enquirer show 53% of the tests – which show if you have already had Covid-19 – came back positive. The high level of positive tests surprised the company because most people were unaware they had been ill or showed only minor symptoms.
New plans to get Britain building in coronavirus recovery
Measures to help the construction industry boost building and return to work safely will be introduced this week.
Murphy to reinstate full pay for all staff
Murphy is reinstating full pay for workers from August 1 after the firm “performed well” during lockdown. Murphy implemented 10% pay cuts for all staff in April and also reduced holiday entitlements to 21 days. Chief Executive Officer John Murphy has now written to staff confirming that the cuts will now be reversed. He said:
I know the changes we put in place were difficult but I strongly believe they were the right steps to take. It has helped us emerge from lockdown on a stable footing. “Our teams across the company have shown great innovation and ingenuity during these challenge times, and your efforts are very much appreciated. “We have performed well during challenging times. Most of our projects continued to work safely under new guidelines, with the right levels of support from our functions. “It is because of those efforts that our financial position is solid and we are in a position to reinstate full salaries for everyone from the start of August as planned.”
Workers get wearable mood monitors as they return to site
Construction workers are to be issued with wearable mood monitors to gauge how they are feeling as sites continue to ramp-up production post-lockdown. Framework provider Pagabo is introducing the Moodbeam One wristbands which allow workers to record their daily moods at the press of a button. The bands have already been tested on Morgan Sindall and Willmott Dixon sites prior to the pandemic. The initiative will now be extended to a wider cross section of the industry including on-site project teams, off-site manufacturing teams, remote working teams and the subcontracted workforce.
Attendance in education and early years settings during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Attendance in education settings since Monday 23 March and early years settings since Thursday 16 April.
Timing of the introduction of school closure for COVID-19 epidemic suppression, 18 March 2020
Paper prepared by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (MRC GIDA), Imperial College.
Impact of school closures, 18 March 2020
Paper prepared by the University of Warwick.
Quick findings on age distributions of grandparents and parents of primary school aged children, 18 May 2020
Paper prepared by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Directorate Children and Young People DCYP COVID-19
This Directorate Children and Young People (DCYP) COVID-19 page provides important advice and updates for service parents – addition of: Directed letter (update 1) – continuity of education allowance (CEA) – regulatory flexibility in response to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Student number controls
The measures to protect students and universities during the coronavirus outbreak, including temporary student number controls and additional places – added Student number controls: further guidance.
Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
What childcare services early years settings, childminders and local authorities need to provide during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – updated to reflect that early years providers are now able to open for all children and to provide additional information on protective measures.
Business Live: The final furlough scheme – what businesses need to know
- Government will continue to cover 80% of employee salaries including employer National Insurance and pension contributions of furloughed staff.
- 10 June marked the final date by which an employer could furlough a staff member for the first time. This does not apply to parents returning from paternity and maternity leave who were still be eligible after the cut-off date, provided they work for an employer who has previously furloughed employees.
- From 30 June onwards, businesses will only be able to furlough employees who already been furloughed for a full three-week period prior to this date.
- During the month of June, furloughed employees can not undertake any work for their employer.
- If they choose, employers can still top up employee wages above the 80% total and £2,500 cap at their own expense.
- From 1 July the scheme becomes more flexible and employers will be given the opportunity to bring back furloughed employees for “any amount of time and any shift pattern”. Any new working arrangements will have to be discussed and agreed with the employees in writing.
- Government will continue to cover 80% of employee salaries as well as the employer National Insurance and pension contribution for the hours not worked.
- Businesses will be required to pay staff for any hours worked based on their employment contract as well was pay for the tax and National Insurance costs due on those amounts.
- When claiming the grant for employee hours not worked, businesses will need to:
- Calculate the amount to claim by reference to furloughed employees’ usual hours worked in a claim period.
- Report the hours the furloughed employee worked including the usual hours they would be expected to work in normal circumstances in a claim period.
- Report and claim for a minimum period of a week.
- From 1 July, claim periods will no longer be able to overlap months.
- 31 July will be the last day businesses can submit claims for periods ending on or before 30 June.
What could this mean for your business?
The introduction of flexible arrangements will provide businesses the opportunity to plan for the end of the scheme in October and understand where the pinch points are.
- From August, the government will continue to cover 80% of employee salaries up to £2,500 per month.
- Employers will be required to cover the full National Insurance Contributions and pension contributions.
- From September, the government will cover 70% of employee salaries up to a cap of £2,187.50 per month for the hours the employee does not work.
- Employers will need to cover 10% of salaries of furloughed employees to make up 80% total up to a cap of £2,500.
- Employers will be required to pay the full National Insurance Contributions and pension contributions.
What could this mean for your business?
With employers required to start paying a contribution towards employee wages from September, some businesses may need an injection of cash to support their operations to ensure resilience.
Government schemes such as the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), the Bounce Back Loan Schemes (BBLS) and the Local Discretionary grants could provide necessary funds required to improve cashflow during this period. Details on the different finance schemes can be found through the Growth Company’s Coronavirus- Finance page.
October – last month of the scheme
- During October, the government will cover 60% of employee salaries up to a cap of £1,875 for the hours the employee does not work.
- Employers will be required to pay 20% of salaries to make up the 80% total up to a cap of £2,500.
- Employers will continue to be required to pay National Insurance Contributions and pension contributions.
What could this mean for your business?
With the job retention scheme ending in October and the financial pressures that some businesses might be under, there may come a time, to consider redundancy as a last resort to ensure the sustainability of the business. For some businesses, their ongoing issues, could potentially also lead to an insolvency scenario.
People looking for advice can contact the Hub where our advisors are here to support businesses and individuals, while information and advice is available via the GC Business Growth Hub coronavirus support hub, part of the #HereForBusiness initiative.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: step by step guide for employers
This guide explains the information that employers need to provide to claim for their employees’ wages – updated with more information about flexible furlough and overpayments.
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services – Guidance expanded from takeaways to venues providing service at the venue ahead of planned opening, reflect guidance on support bubbles, social distancing, test and trace and feedback from industry.
Opening certain businesses and venues in England from 4 July 2020
Guidance on the further easing of coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions from 4 July 2020.
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic.
Hotels and other guest accommodation – Hotels and other guest accommodation guide added.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak – addition of HTML attachment: ‘Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do after 4 July’
Coronavirus grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses
Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus – updated 21st June
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic – the visitor economy section added.
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Heritage locations section added to guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic.
Furloughing of workers across UK businesses: 18 May to 31 May 2020
These tables provide analysis of Wave 6 of the Business Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Survey (BICS). This complements the analysis of BICS by focusing on the workforce furloughed across responding businesses.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for local government
Guidance for local councils during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak – added links to:COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship during the pandemic Government provides further halt to business evictions and more support for high street firms New plans to get Britain building in coronavirus recovery
The financial risk and resilience of English local authorities in the coronavirus crisis
Local authorities (LAs) across the country are among those on the front line of the coronavirus crisis. But geographical differences in demographic and economic structures make different parts of the country more vulnerable to different effects of the crisis – on health, on families and children, and on jobs and incomes. This means the demands and costs facing each LA will change in different ways and at different times. Moreover, differences in the extent to which each LA relies on different revenue sources, and in their financial reserves and commitments, mean they face differing degrees of financial risk and have differing degrees of financial resilience.
Claim for wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Claim for 80% of your employee’s wages plus any employer National Insurance and pension contributions, if you have put them on furlough because of coronavirus (COVID-19). If you’re claiming for an employee with a temporary National Insurance number, you should contact HMRC.
HMRC coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics
HMRC data about the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme, and the VAT payments deferral scheme – updated weekly data (up to end of Sunday 21 June) for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme.
HM Treasury coronavirus (COVID-19) business loan scheme statistics
HMT management information about the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS), Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) and Future Fund Scheme.
Claim for wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Claim for 80% of your employee’s wages plus any employer National Insurance and pension contributions, if you have put them on furlough because of coronavirus (COVID-19) – page updated to tell employers to use a new template when claiming for more than 100 employees.
Download a template if you’re claiming for 100 or more employees through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Complete a template with the details of the employees you’re claiming for and upload this when you claim (for claims on or after 1 July 2020).
The impact of relaxing lockdown measures: 2, 1 April 2020
Paper prepared by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)..
Energy can help power economic recovery
Rebuilding the UK economy: Fairer, cleaner, more resilient, which has been produced by Energy UK in partnership with PWC, identifies five policy areas which could provide the stimulus for jobs, investment and growth – with the energy sector helping deliver widespread economic, environmental and societal benefits as part of a sustainable, green recovery focussed on the net-zero target. The five policies are:
- Launch a national housing infrastructure upgrade programme?
- Further accelerate the transition to low carbon transportation
- Unlock further private investment in a digital, flexible and affordable, low carbon energy system
- Accelerate the development of regional industrial clusters and local supply chains?
- Support people, businesses and local authorities to recover from the crisis
CBI: Sustainability will help UK build back better by powering a green recovery
Fast-tracking green investment make rapid progress towards net-zero emissions while delivering sustainable jobs must be key to the recovery plan, CBI says.
The Climate Assembly UK has published the interim results of consultations which show that 79% of assembly members ‘strongly agreed’ or ‘agreed’ that steps taken by the Government to help the economy recover should be designed to help achieve net zero. Assembly members’ most frequently given reasons for agreeing included requests for the Government to: limit, or put conditions on, investment in high carbon industries; rethink and invest in infrastructure; support low carbon industries; make the most of the economic opportunities presented by the path to net zero; deal with COVID-19 and climate change together where possible and take advantage of the current opportunities for change.
Coronavirus: Environment Agency update
The Environment Agency’s priority is to protect people and the environment, and to support those we regulate during the coronavirus pandemic – updates added to permit applications, angling and waterways.
Environment Agency advises on restarting private sewage treatment plants
Guidance is being issued to industry bodies about restarting sewage treatment plants.
The first healthy volunteer has received a new coronavirus vaccine developed by researchersled by Professor Robin Shattock at Imperial College London.
The phase I trials were funded by UK Research and Innovation as part of the UKRI/DHSC/NIHR COVID-19 rapid research response. The study will be the first time the vaccine has been trialled in humans and will test whether it is well-tolerated and produces an effective immune response against COVID-19.
PHE data series on deaths in people with COVID-19: technical summary
A summary of the PHE data series on deaths in people with COVID-19, outlining what the changes mean and how the data compare to other COVID-19 death data series.
Staying alert and safe (social distancing)
New guidance added to the most important thing we can do is to stay alert, control the virus, and in doing so, save lives.
MOD funds predictive sepsis test for coronavirus patients
Dstl spin-out firm Ploughshare Innovations funds revolutionary test that can predict whether coronavirus patients will develop Sepsis before symptoms appear
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated global case numbers.
COVID-19: guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable
Information for shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable from COVID-19.
Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales: May 2020
Number of deaths registered each month in England and Wales, including deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), by age, sex and region.
Comparing interventions in Italy and UK, 1 April 2020
Paper prepared by Dr Lorenzo Pellis, University of Manchester.
PPE portal: how to order emergency personal protective equipment
Healthcare providers can order additional personal protective equipment (PPE) through the portal to top up their existing supplies for COVID-19 in an emergency. GPs and small social care providers can now place orders multiple times per week within the limits set out in the guidance, instead of a singular order.
New saliva test for coronavirus piloted in Southampton
A weekly coronavirus (COVID-19) testing model using a new ‘no-swab’ saliva test is to be piloted in Southampton from this week (22 June).
Vaccine Taskforce aims, 6 April 2020
Role and objectives of the Vaccine Taskforce.
Effectiveness of isolation, testing, contact tracing and physical distancing on reducing transmission of COVID-19 in different settings: Draft for SPI-M, 20 April 2020
Paper prepared by academics for the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling (SPI-M).
Effect of compliance with whole household isolation in the COVID-19 outbreak, 15 March 2020
Paper prepared by Lancaster University.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): reducing risk in adult social care
A framework for how adult social care employers should assess and reduce risk to their workforce during the coronavirus pandemic.
DELVE: Report on test, trace, isolate and support, 18 May 2020
Paper prepared by the Data Evaluation and Learning for Viral Epidemics (DELVE) group in the Royal Society.
Using BBC Pandemic data to model the impact of isolation, testing, contact tracing and physical distancing on reducing transmission of Covid-19 in different settings, 16 April 2020
Paper considered by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Estimated impact of testing quarantined contacts at different points in time, 30 April 2020
Paper prepared by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
Preliminary analysis of PHE care home data, 19 April 2020
Paper prepared by academics from the University of Manchester.
Steps to take following the death of a person who worked in adult social care in England
Actions for local authorities and social care providers following a coronavirus (COVID-19) related death of an employee or volunteer in adult social care.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes
How to protect care home residents and staff during the coronavirus outbreak – document has been updated throughout in line with the care homes support package announced on 15 May and the latest advice on testing, and infection prevention and control. The changes are set out in full in the document.
Note on reporting of deaths involving COVID-19, 7 April 2020
Paper prepared by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Estimated impact of delay from isolation of symptomatic case to test result and quarantine of contacts, 26 April 2020
Paper prepared by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
NERVTAG: At what point might meaningful results from clinical trials be available?, 30 March 2020
Paper prepared by the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Dynamic CO-CIN report to SAGE and NERVTAG, 18 May 2020
Clinical information provided to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG).
SAGE 37 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 19 May 2020
Record of the discussion that took place at SAGE’s thirty-seventh meeting.
GOS: Risk of COVID-19 amongst parents and grandparents of primary school children, 21 May 2020
Paper prepared by the Government Office for Science (GOS) for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Delaying the international spread of pandemic influenza, 2 May 2006
Paper considered by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Planning scenarios for the next 6 months, 25 March 2020
Paper prepared by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (MRC GIDA), Imperial College.
SAGE 38 minutes: Coronavirus (COVID-19) response, 21 May 2020
Record of the discussion that took place at SAGE’s thirty-eighth meeting.
PHE: Details of PHE involvement with ISARIC and any information on samples collected and their distribution, 16 April 2020
Paper prepared by Public Health England (PHE) for the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.
NERVTAG: Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection, 13 May 2020
Paper prepared by the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG).
Effect of relaxing current measures, 2 April 2020
Paper prepared by Imperial College.
Aim for UK ensuring promising therapies to be tested as fast as possible and for patients to access medicine as soon as possible, 16 April 2020
Paper on the UK government Therapeutics Taskforce.
Dynamic CO-CIN report to SAGE and NERVTAG, 21 May 2020
Clinical information provided to the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG).
A note on mass testing for COVID-19: preliminary analysis, 6 April 2020
Paper prepared by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): scientific evidence supporting the UK government response
The national and global response to the spread of COVID-19 continues to develop quickly and our collective knowledge of the virus is growing by the second – updated the list of evidence provided to SAGE with 38 new papers.
A national health data research capability to support COVID-19 research questions, 14 April 2020
Paper prepared by Health Data Research UK (HDRUK) for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
What the latest research on COVID-19 immunology can tell us about responding to the epidemic: expert summary, 16 April 2020
Paper prepared by the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) and the British Society for Immunology (BSI).
The Coronavirus Restaurant Survey, undertaken globally last month, has published its findings following analysis from over 10,000 responses from both consumers and industry professionals. The results give stark insight from frontline workers regarding their employment and how they see the future of the industry. Over half of restaurant professionals anticipate the financial situation will worsen over next six months
The British Beer and Pub Association has welcomed the reopening of pubs from 4 July and the reduction of social distancing rules.
While it is disappointed not to have had the three weeks’ notice the industry needed to ensure a full reopening it thinks a ‘good number’ of pubs will be able to do so, though it does have concerns about the collection and storage of customer data. The BPPA said the clear and definitive re-opening date was a much needed boost to the beer and pub sector, giving it the certainty and confidence it needed.
Guidance for DCMS sectors in relation to coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport sectors in response to coronavirus.
HMCTS weekly operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This page provides a weekly summary of the HM Courts and Tribunals Service operational position during the coronavirus pandemic – update for week commencing 22 June 2020 published.
Courts and tribunals tracker list during coronavirus outbreak
This page holds a tracker list of open, staffed and suspended courts during the coronavirus outbreak – tracker list updated.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and prisons
This page provides guidance for families and friends of those in prison in England and Wales during the coronavirus pandemic – updated to say restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic remain in place.
CBI: Manufacturing activity sinks to new low in June
Manufacturer output volumes in the three months to June fell the fastest rate on CBI survey record since 1975 having slightly surpassed the recent record set in May 2020. The survey of 360 manufacturers found that output volumes declined in 15 of 17 sub-sectors, with the headline drops in output primarily driven by motor vehicles and transport equipment, mechanical engineering and metal products
Notification of contingent liability: Rapidly Manufactured Ventilator System Project
A departmental minute outlining indemnities granted to designers and manufacturers in the Rapidly Manufactured Ventilator System Project
How to really do things differently in a post-Covid world
Sarah Novotny, Digital Creative and Tech Sector Lead at GC Business Growth Hub, on how creative and digital businesses are embracing a new era of innovation in the aftermath of Covid-19.
Check which employees you can put on furlough to use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Find out which employees you can put on furlough and claim for through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – added information about exceptions for military reservists.
One in six homeowners with mortgages are on payment break
For the average mortgage borrower the total payment deferral typically amounts to £755 per month. Some 1.2m deferrals were approved during the first three weeks of the scheme and another 0.7m have been added since. A statement from lenders’ trade body UK Finance says that many homeowners will soon be coming to the end of the deferral period and lenders are now focused on helping customers to consider their next steps. “They will contact borrowers before the end of their deferral period with a range of options to ensure they are supported through the coming months, whatever their financial situation” explains UK Finance.
Act now on possessions to minimise court delay warns UK law firm
Irwin Mitchell has in recent weeks noted a rise in inquiries from landlords seeking to recover possession of a property still in the infancy of an assured shorthold tenancy agreement, many of which had been entered into since March 2020, when the Coronavirus pandemic gripped the nation. The majority of these situations occurred because the landlord was eager to let the property because it was, or was due to be, vacant. As a result, the landlord’s investigation into a prospective tenant was often reduced, a fact which is coming home to haunt some landlords now.
Changes to notifying an option to tax land and buildings during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Check temporary changes to the time limit and rules for notifying an option to tax land and buildings – extended the time limit from the date the decision to opt was made. This now applies to decisions made between 15 February 2020 and 31 October 2020.
Government extends measures to stop company evictions to end of September
The government has announced today that it will be extending measures to prevent struggling companies from eviction over the summer. The extension, until the end of September, comes alongside further support to help local businesses plan for economic recovery following the coronavirus pandemic. A new Code of Practice has been developed to help provide clarity for businesses when discussing rental payments and to encourage best practice so that all parties are supported.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on HM Land Registry’s services
How we are delivering our services during the coronavirus outbreak – added a link to sign up for email alerts from Simon Hayes, Chief Executive and Chief Land Registrar.
Code of practice for the commercial property sector
Government has published a code of practice to encourage commercial tenants and landlords to work together to protect viable businesses.
Government provides further halt to business evictions and more support for high street firms
New code provides support to shops and local firms planning their future recovery with their landlord.
John Lewis to open a further 9 stores this week
This Thursday, another nine John Lewis stores will reopen since being forced to close in March although there is no confirmation as to when, and if, all the remaining high street stores will reopen. Customers will have to follow strict new rules to maintain customer and staff safety including keeping 8 steps apart on escalators and no trying on of clothes pre-purchase.
Mothercare gives up head office in attempt to save £1m after lockdown
A UK mothering retailer has announced that it will be moving to smaller offices as it aims to save more than £1m in the aftermath of lockdown. Mothercare, currently based in Watford, will be surrendering its lease on its current head office and relocating to a “smaller and more cost effective” location, which it predicts will reduce costs by approximately £900k per year. The company, which went into administration in November last year, is also subletting part of its main warehouse to a third party, which will reduce its costs by a further £220k.
JD Sports is set to reacquire Go Outdoors out of administration in a move to restructure the outdoor clothing and equipment retailer and “preserve as many jobs as possible”.
Having reported here yesterday that Go Outdoors had been placed in administration and Michael Magnay and Daniel Butters of Deloitte appointed as joint administrators, JD Sports Fashion, via newly incorporated subsidiary JD Newco 1, has re-acquired the business and assets of Go for consideration of £56.5m. JD Sports said that, following the Covid-19 outbreak, the future viability of the Go Outdoors business had become “materially uncertain”.
JD cited the business operating costs of the business, in particular the terms of the property leases, and it was determined that it was “not in the best interests of the wider group” to provide continued financial support to Go in its existing form. The decision to restructure the company was taken after considering a number of strategic options, including a potential sale. On administration, Go operated 67 standalone stores and a trading website. An initial 12 month licence has been taken to occupy all of the outlets. All staff have also transferred to the new company.
Coronavirus: MOTs for lorries, buses and trailers
You can book a lorry, bus or trailer annual test (MOT) from 4 July 2020 – the deadline to get the test done depends on when the MOT was originally due – updated page to show that lorry, bus or trailer annual tests (MOTs) will restart from 4 July 2020 but vehicles in June, July and August will be issued 3-month exemptions.
Virgin Atlantic to resume flights to a further 17 destinations
The airline has announced plans to restart operations to an additional 17 destinations including Tel Aviv, Miami, San Francisco and Barbados from August.
Home Office: COVID-19 – measures at the border, 27 April 2020
Paper prepared by the Home Office for the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): advice for UK visa applicants and temporary UK residents
This is advice for visa customers and applicants in the UK, visa customers outside of the UK and British nationals overseas who need to apply for a passport affected by travel restrictions associated with coronavirus – updated to add information on some VACs reopening.
Second home owners and buyers allowed back to Spain
British holidaymakers, second home owners and prospective buyers of Spanish properties will no longer be required to quarantine upon arrival in Spain – although they will still have to isolate for 14 days when returning to the UK, while Spanish tourists and visitors to the UK will have to do the same. For several months, people were only allowed out of their homes to buy food, and children were not even permitted to go outside for exercise. Since late May, Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, has slowly relaxed the restrictions as Spain has got a greater handle on the virus, allowing the country to open up its economy, allowing children back to school in June and now reopening its vital tourism industry. Late on Saturday, Arancha González, Spain’s Foreign Minister, confirmed that British travellers would not have to quarantine despite the UK still making people arriving self-isolate.
PM Johnson gives green light to England’s tourism industry
In a Commons statement, the Prime Minister said “self-contained accommodation, including hotels, bed and breakfasts, as well as campsites” could reopen provided they observed hygiene guidelines. Social distancing is also being reduced to one metre. The relaxation of rules means up to two households can stay together in holiday accommodation. He added: “Most leisure facilities and tourist attractions will reopen if they can do so safely.” These included theme parks, museums, galleries, cinemas and arcades. However, waterparks, nightclubs and swimming pools will remain closed.
Useful Links:
Cheshire East Council – Discretionary Fund
Businesses that have been unable to access other forms of Covid-19 support can apply for grants from a £4.68 million fund.
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
The Future Fund will provide UK Government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.
Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme set to launch
Employers will be able to make claims through the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme from 26 May.
Cheshire East Council – Business rates grants
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Government – Setting out of Road Map to recovery – 11th May 2020
Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s 60 page COVID-19 recovery strategy
The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. The strategy sets out a cautious roadmap to easing existing measures in a safe and measured way, subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread.
Coronavirus Act 2020: status
A table setting out the status of each measure in the Coronavirus Act 2020.
Government – Financial Support
New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business
Government – Financial Support
CBILS – A guide to whether it may be the best options for a business
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – Financial Support: HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
Bank of England – Financial Support: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2020/march/the-covid-corporate-financing-facility
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19
Media and Marketing:
Travel: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit: http://news.dwp.gov.uk/dwplz/lz.aspx?p1=MQsDU1NjQ5MlM2OTA0OjNCNDJBOEZCRTJDOUJEOTc1ODQ0RTRCRDNDNzk4QUNF-&CC=&p=0
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium https://brc.org.uk/news/corporate-affairs/coronavirus-latest-retailer-activity/
Resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.