Total UK Cases: 2,774,479 positive tests
Latest UK daily figure: 60,916 new cases
Number in UK hospital: 23,823 (3,075 new admissions)
New deaths across UK: 830
Total UK deaths: 76,305
UK Cases per 100,000: 519.3 per 100,000
R number in UK: 1.1 – 1.3
Latest Cheshire East data:
Total Cheshire East cases: 13,451
New cases in past 7 days: 1,574 to 31 Dec
Total deaths: 527
Cases per 100,000: 409.7 per 100,000 (+33% on previous week)
R number in North West: 0.9 – 1.1
Coronavirus cases in the UK: daily updated statistics
The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, cases and deaths in the UK. The way deaths are reported is based on a 28-day limit between the date of a positive lab-confirmed test and date of death.
Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences
Slides, datasets and transcripts from press conferences at 10 Downing Street in response to coronavirus
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated with latest global case numbers.
Chancellor confirms £4.6 billion support package for English lockdown
Businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors are to receive a one-off grant worth up to £9,000, the Chancellor has announced.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a £4.6 billion support package for businesses in England following the introduction of a national lockdown.Support will include one-off top up grants for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses worth up to £9,000 per property to help businesses forced to close through to Spring. Lockdown in England will be reviewed on 15th February at the earliest.
The one-off top-ups will be granted to closed businesses as follows:
- £4,000 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
- £6,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000
- £9,000 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000
A £594 million discretionary fund will also be made available for local authorities to support other businesses affected by restrictions and not eligible for exiting national grant schemes. Businesses should apply to local authorities once details are confirmed. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/46-billion-in-new-lockdown-grants-to-support-businesses-and-protect-jobs
Prime Minister announces national lockdown
The Prime Minister has announced a national lockdown and instructed people to stay at home to control the virus, protect the NHS and save lives. Speaking to the nation yesterday evening, Boris Johnson said the new strain of virus is 50 to 70% more virulent than the previous strain. The number of lives lost has increased by 20% over past week and that now is the time to bring it under control emphasizing that the way to do this is to enter a new phase of lockdown – to stay at home and only shop for essentials, to go to work where it is not possible to work from home, to seek medical assistance or to escape a vulnerable situation such as domestic abuse. Primary schools (except in the case of key workers and exceptional circumstances will close; colleges and universities will move to remote working.) Nurseries and early years to remain open. Mr Johnson went on to say that while school environments are not unsafe, they may act as “vectors for transmission” and spread infection. The difference between this and to last year’s lockdown period is the rolling out of the vaccine: “By mid-February, if goes well, we will be able to offer the vaccine to everyone in top 4 groups – all care homes and carers, those aged over 70, all vulnerable and front line key workers. If this takes effect, by the end of February half-term, pupils should be able to begin to return.”
He added, the weeks ahead will be the hardest yet but hopefully by pulling together and following the rules we should be entering the last leg of the struggle. “By the miracle of science we will get there.” Social bubbles remain, no examinations will take place as planned this year. The vulnerable must shield. Realistically, it looks like March before current restrictions are lifted.
Labour leader Kier Starmer agreed with the Government’s latest move to lockdown: “We support this package and we need to all pull together to make this work. I urge everyone to comply and rekindle the spirit of March to make this work. Labour support the package.”
BBC: What are England’s new lockdown rules?
Schools will close until February half-term to most pupils
People must stay home wherever possible only leaving for essential supplies, for one hour of exercise each day and in exceptional circumstances
International travel and travel around the UK for essential reasons only
Hospitality, non-essential retail, gyms, golf courses and sports facilities must close
National Lockdown – find out what you can and can’t do HERE
Slides and datasets to accompany PM’s coronavirus address: 4 January 2021
Slides and datasets on coronavirus accompanying Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s address to the nation.
England Lockdown: Stay At Home posters
A series of posters displaying information about the National Lockdown in England.
New Oxford-Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine begins rollout across UK
An 82 year old dialysis patient is the first person to receive the new vaccine at Oxford’s Churchill Hospital. Six hospital trusts – in Oxford, London, Sussex, Lancashire and Warwickshire – are beginning to administer the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab on Monday, with 530,000 doses ready for use.
Most other available doses will be sent to hundreds of GP-led services and care homes across the UK later in the week, according to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). Health Secretary Matt Hancock told BBC Breakfast the Oxford vaccine rollout was a “pivotal moment” in the fight against coronavirus, saying: “It’s going to be a tough few weeks ahead, but this is the way out.”
First people to receive Oxford University/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine today (4 January 2021)
The first people will receive the Oxford University/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine today (4 January 2021) as the NHS rapidly expands COVID-19 vaccination programmes across the UK.
Cheshire East Council supports local communities as national lockdown begins
Following the introduction of tighter measures by the Prime Minister, Cheshire East Council will continue to support local communities and businesses. Cllr Sam Corcoran, leader of Cheshire East Council, said:
It is very regrettable to have to go into a third national lockdown but it is clear that additional measures are needed to tackle the rise in new variant Covid-19 cases, protect vulnerable residents, prevent hospitals being overwhelmed and to save lives.
“I also welcome the removal of uncertainty around the opening of schools – which will now remain closed, except for vulnerable children and children of key workers.
“I would like to reassure our residents that we have been preparing for this lockdown and have had plans in place at every stage of the government’s changes in restrictions – to ensure support for our vulnerable residents, communities and businesses. I can assure you we will do whatever it takes to get through this.”
Following the Chancellor’s announcement of additional grants, Cheshire East Council will begin contacting businesses on its database who have previously received or been eligible to previous schemes.
HMRC: Claim for December Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough)
You can now submit your claims under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) for periods in December. These must be made by 14?? January?? 2021.
Make sure you have the latest information by joining the live Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme webinar, which includes:
- who can claim
- who you can claim for
- how to calculate what you can claim
- how to make a claim.
HMRC will continue to update webinars to reflect the latest information as it becomes available. Register here
HMRC are also running monthly webinars on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme. Get the latest information on:
- who can claim
- who you can claim for
- how to make a claim
- what you may be entitled to, and more.
During these interactive webinars you can ask questions using the on-screen text box and download handouts giving detailed examples and links to more information. Afterwards HMRC will send you a link to a video recording of the webinars, in case you’d like to see any of it again. Register here
HMRC will continue to update webinars to reflect the latest information as it becomes available.
Information for employers on Clinically Extremely Vulnerable advised to shield
As you will have seen, those who are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEVs) living in lockdown areas in England have been advised to shield. The guidance states that CEVs are strongly advised to work from home and if that is not possible then they should not attend work. Full guidance HERE
- Employers should speak to their CEV employees as soon as possible about the new guidance to make arrangements for them to work from home or, if it is not possible for them to do their normal role from home, consider whether there are any alternative arrangements that can be made to ensure the employee can remain at home and follow the guidance.
- CEV employees following this guidance may be eligible for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough), which has been extended until 30 April 2021. Employers should consider whether this is the right option for their CEV employees.
- For those CEVs who cannot work from home and cannot be furloughed, they may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), to support them to remain at home and follow the guidance.
- CEVs who live in England’s lockdown areas will be sent a letter advising them to shield, which may act as evidence that they are eligible for SSP or ESA.
- Employers should be aware that their CEV employees will be waiting for their letter, but in the meantime, they should follow the guidance set out online in the above link and not go into the workplace. We would encourage employers to support their CEV employees to stay at home while they are waiting for their letter.
- Those eligible for SSP and/or ESA will be eligible for the full period that the shielding guidance is in place, no matter when the CEV individual receives their letter. Eligibility conditions still apply.
- A letter has been sent to CEVs in Tier 4 areas and above. A version of this letter is available online HERE CEVs who live in areas under Tier 4 restrictions and lockdown restrictions after 20th December will receive an updated version of this letter with the date of their area’s move into Tier 4 / lockdown. The substantive content of the letter remains the same.
- CEV employees who need to access a shielding notification letter to use as evidence for SSP or ESA, they can do so online HERE
Coronavirus: driver and rider trainer guidance
Updated to say you must not provide driving lessons or motorcycle training in England, Scotland or Wales unless it’s with someone from your household during an essential journey.
Getting financial help and staying safe at work
Get coronavirus (COVID-19) support if you’re working less or not working – and find out how to stay safe at work. Coronavirus (COVID-19): Worker, Temporary Worker and Student sponsors
This is advice for Worker, Temporary Worker and Student sponsors in the UK who are sponsoring those affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) – updated content under ‘If you’re sponsoring an employee who’s waiting for their work visa application to be decided’
Seven in 10 adults are motivated to get healthier in 2021 due to COVID-19
An England-wide survey of over 5,000 adults found that 80% of people aged over 18 have made the decision to change their lifestyle in 2021.
Coronavirus: driving theory tests
Guidance updated to say theory tests are suspended in England, Scotland and Wales.
Coronavirus: driving tests
Updated to say that driving tests are suspended in all areas of England, Scotland and Wales.
England Lockdown: Stay At Home posters
A series of posters displaying information about the National Lockdown in England.
Construction to carry on during latest lockdown
Construction sites will continue to operate during the latest lockdown which will be in force until at least the middle of February. Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed a third national lockdown on Monday night with people urged to work from home wherever possible. But the government confirmed that “you can only leave home for work purposes where it is unreasonable for you to do your job from home, including but not limited to people who work within critical national infrastructure, construction or manufacturing that require in-person attendance.”
Guidance added that construction ” is essential to keeping the country operating.”
BBC: Schools to close and examinations cancelled
The government closed schools in England with “the heaviest of hearts”, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said, as he confirmed this year’s GCSE and A-level exams have been cancelled. He said Education Secretary Gavin Williamson would make a statement about alternative assessments on Wednesday.
Ministers wanted to ensure grades are as “fair as possible”, Mr Gove said.
He said the decision was made after the UK’s chief medical officers recommended a move to Covid threat level five. All primary and secondary schools are closed to pupils, except for vulnerable children and the children of key workers, for the next six weeks. But nurseries and early years settings are being told to remain open.
COVID-19 alert level: update from the UK Chief Medical Officers
A joint statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) recommending that the UK COVID-19 alert level move from level 4 to level 5.
Personal protective equipment (PPE): local contacts for providers
A list of local contacts for providers who are not on the PPE portal. Providers can get PPE through their local authority or local resilience forum.
PPE deliveries (England): 28 December 2020 to 3 January 2021
Experimental statistics showing the latest number of personal protective equipment (PPE) items distributed for use by health and social care services in England.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation
This page provides advice and guidance for all court and tribunal users during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and will be updated when new advice is available – change to link to national lockdown rules from 5 January 2021.
Agents and housing market can continue working through lockdown
Agents and the housing market in England are still in business even during the third national lockdown which begins on Wednesday and will last until mid-February at least. The government’s official guidance for England says that agents, as with all other workers, are advised to work from home wherever possible. But specifically it adds: You can still move home. People outside your household or support bubble should not help with moving house unless absolutely necessary.
Agents split over viewings and office openings during lockdown
Agents are sharply split over how they should operate during the current phase of the Coronavirus crisis. In a poll of almost 3,000 readers of Estate Agent Today, some 40 per cent – that’s around 1,200 – want to be allowed to undertake Covid-safe viewings and to be allowed to work from High Street offices which are appropriately equipped and open to the public through appointments only. However, 28 per cent want agents not to work at all and effectively want the housing market suspended as it was for several weeks during the spring of last year; on top of that, another 22 per cent want agents only to work from home rather than from offices, and not to engage in any viewings whatsoever.
Next’s online sales rise to the occasion to match last year’s Christmas figures
A UK fashion retailer has reported that its Christmas sales matched last year’s figures despite temporary store closures. Next, which has 550 UK stores, reported this morning that product sales for the 9 weeks to 26 December were down by 0.5 per cent from the same period last year. Over the period, in-store purchases decreased by 43 per cent, but the company said that this was largely compensated for by online sales, which rose by 38 per cent.
Google-backed retail tech startup secures £2m investment to revive UK high streets A Google-backed retail technology business aiming to encourage shoppers to return to the high street has closed a multi-million pound seed funding round. NearSt has secured £2m seed investment in a funding round led by an international property company in a bid to revitalise physical retail in the UK. Founded in 2015 by Max Kreijn and Nick Brackenbury, NearSt aims to make products on physical store shelves visible to shoppers searching online nearby. Businesses like Google use the technology to show real-time local product availability directly in search results.
Useful Links:
COVID-19 Winter Plan
The government’s plan for managing COVID-19 through the end of 2020 and into the start of 2021.
Government extends JRS furlough scheme at 80% for period of lockdown
The government has said the furlough scheme, due to have closed on 31st October, would now be extended until December.
Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check which employees you can put on furlough to use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Calculate how much you can claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Steps to take before calculating your claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
New National Restrictions from 5 November
Information on the new national restrictions, including what they mean for working from home and business closures, why they are being introduced and the financial support available.
Job Retention Bonus (JRB)
Employers are able to claim a one-off payment of £1,000 for every eligible employee furloughed and claimed for through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), kept continuously employed until at least 31 January 2021 and who meets the other eligibility criteria. Claims can be made between 15 February and 31 March.
Become a Green Homes Grant Supplier II – Trustmark and PAS 2030The new Green Homes Grant will give over 600,000 homeowners in England up to £10,000 to install insulation, heat pumps, draft proofing and more to help households cut energy bills.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) supports businesses that have been required to close due to temporary COVID-19 local lockdown restrictions imposed by the government.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant extension
The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get.
Hospitality venues in England are now legally required to enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4,000.
Designated businesses and organisations, including hospitality, close contact services and leisure venues, will also be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and required to display official NHS QR code posters under law
NHS Test and Trace service in the workplace
Guidance on the NHS Test and Trace service for employers, businesses and workers updated to reflect the new legal requirements for designated venues to collect contact details and display official NHS QR code posters from 24th September
Claim money back through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme
Find out how to claim the reimbursement for discounts given to diners with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme closed on 31 August 2020 – the page updated with removal of registration links.
Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.
Kickstart Scheme employer resources
If you’ve been offered Kickstart Scheme funding, you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme.
Kickstart Scheme employer contacts
List of regional contacts for employers applying for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak – guidance updated in line with new regulations coming into force on 4 July
Business Survey:
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
The Future Fund will provide UK Government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.
Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme set to launch
Employers will be able to make claims through the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme from 26 May.
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Government – Setting out of Road Map to recovery – 11th May 2020
Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s 60 page COVID-19 recovery strategy
The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. The strategy sets out a cautious roadmap to easing existing measures in a safe and measured way, subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread.
Coronavirus Act 2020: status
A table setting out the status of each measure in the Coronavirus Act 2020.
Government – Financial Support
New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business
Government – Financial Support
CBILS – A guide to whether it may be the best options for a business
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – Financial Support: HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
Bank of England – Financial Support: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2020/march/the-covid-corporate-financing-facility
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19
Media and Marketing:
Travel: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit: http://news.dwp.gov.uk/dwplz/lz.aspx?p1=MQsDU1NjQ5MlM2OTA0OjNCNDJBOEZCRTJDOUJEOTc1ODQ0RTRCRDNDNzk4QUNF-&CC=&p=0
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium https://brc.org.uk/news/corporate-affairs/coronavirus-latest-retailer-activity/
Resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.