Latest UK data:
Positive tests: 2,110,314 have tested positive (+ 36,804 new cases)
Loss of life: 68,307 across all settings (+ 691 new deaths)
Cases in Cheshire East: 10,696 confirmed since start of the pandemic, + 640 in the 7 days to 17 December
Rate per 100k population in Cheshire East: 166.6 in the 7 days to 17 December (England area average 223)
*Daily reported COVID deaths are now measured across the UK as deaths that occurred within 28 days of the first laboratory-confirmed positive COVID test
The R number and growth rate in the UK
The latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK. The R number range for the UK is 0.9 -1.0 and the growth rate range is -3% to -1% per day as of 11 December 2020.
Coronavirus cases in the UK: daily updated statistics
The latest number of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests, cases and deaths in the UK. The way deaths are reported is based on a 28-day limit between the date of a positive lab-confirmed test and date of death.
Slides, datasets and transcripts to accompany coronavirus press conferences
Slides, datasets and transcripts from press conferences at 10 Downing Street in response to coronavirus
COVID-19: background information
Information on COVID-19 including epidemiology, virology and clinical features – updated with latest global case numbers.
Government imposes new restrictions over the Christmas period
Following the exponential rise in cases of coronavirus in London and areas of the south east of England, on Saturday afternoon the Government announced new rules on the mixing of households in England over the Christmas holiday period. Families in tiers one, two and three will now only be allowed to meet indoors with up to three other households on one day, Christmas Day, with no overnight stays allowed. In Wales (two households) and Scotland (three households up to a maximum of eight people), Christmas bubbles will also only be allowed on 25 December. In both countries, people are being advised not to form a Christmas bubble, even though they are permitted. In Scotland, travel to and from other parts of the UK will not be allowed over the festive period. Northern Ireland has also cut its Christmas bubble window to a choice of one day between 23 and 27 December. It is being flexible to make allowances for people who are working on Christmas Day. The number of daily coronavirus infections in the UK reached an all-time high yesterday of 35,928. Health officials say there’s no evidence the new variant is more deadly, but just increasing transmission could cause problems for hospitals.
French citizens, British nationals living in France and hauliers are among those now able to travel – if they have a recent negative test. Soldiers have joined NHS Test and Trace staff in Kent to carry out rapid tests on stranded lorry drivers.
Thousands of vehicles have been stuck there since the border shut on Sunday.
The travel ban was imposed on Sunday after the UK government warned of a new, fast-spreading variant of coronavirus and introduced strict tier four – “stay at home” – restrictions across large parts of southern and eastern England in response to a new variant of coronavirus. The Netherlands and Belgium have also relaxed bans on arrivals from the UK, as long as they have a recent negative result.
But more than 50 other countries, including Italy, India and Pakistan, are continuing to block travellers from the UK.
Planned redundancies fell in November
BBC: November saw the lowest number of planned redundancies in Britain since Covid lockdowns began, according to Insolvency Service data.
In total 36,700 redundancies were proposed last month, down from a peak of 156,000 in June.
The figures suggest that the chancellor’s decision to extend the furlough scheme to the spring has helped to protect jobs.
The data was released in response to a BBC Freedom of Information request.
FT: UK public sector borrowing hits record high
The pandemic is continuing to weaken public finances with falling revenues and soaring spending in November. UK public sector borrowing rose to a record hih in the first eight months of the financial year. The government needed to borrow £284.7bn to fill the gap between revenue and spending from April to November according to figures released by the Office of National Statistics
Targeted community testing extended to 17 more areas
More local authorities to be offered rapid-turnaround lateral flow tests to detect asymptomatic cases and help slow the spread of coronavirus.
Brexit – changes ahead: Businesses must act now
The UK has left the EU and new rules for business with the EU start in January 2021. The transition period will end on 31 December 2020 and will not be extended. While the Government continues to negotiate with the EU, there are actions your business can take now. Watch this video to find out what 2021 will mean for your business: https://youtu.be/_Hyq5U4mLdQ Use the transition checker tool for a personalised summary of the actions you need to take. Stay up to date with the latest developments by signing up to receive a weekly email bulletin Watch a business sector webinar
Guidance for the Christmas period
Guidance for the Christmas period.
Cheshire East Council leader stresses importance of celebrating Christmas safely
Following the government announcement at the weekend of stricter limitations over the Christmas period, and concerns about a new variant of the Covid-19 virus, Cheshire East Council leader Councillor Sam Corcoran has stressed once again the importance of observing all safety measures and infection control guidance. Cllr Corcoran said:
The news from the weekend is of significant concern. I would implore all Cheshire East residents to take every precaution over the festive period, rethinking plans, where necessary, to work within the new restrictions and minimise the risk of spreading infection.
“It is very sad that many people will not be able to meet up with loved ones as they had initially planned under previous guidance.
“Infection rates in Cheshire East are currently rising. We cannot risk letting the virus strengthen its grip in Cheshire East – and this means we must take every precaution and not let down our guard over the festive period.
“If you are meeting up with people from different households, or outside your support bubble this Christmas, please do everything you can to stop the virus spreading. When you are around people you love and trust it is easy to let precautions slip.
“The best advice is to behave as if you have the virus – cover your face, wash your hands, keep your distance. Meet outside if you can. Meet for a shorter period. Do not travel into or out of the area unless you need to.
“Please also bear in mind the impact that these new developments will have on your friends, family and neighbours. Many will find the restrictions bitterly disappointing and feel lonelier and more isolated than ever.
“Look out for each other and keep in touch in socially distanced ways. If you are worried about anyone, visit the council website for information or to report concerns about children, adults, domestic abuse and mental health.
“With the growing vaccination programme and locally-delivered testing and contact tracing, there is real hope for the new year. Let’s not waste the effort and sacrifices we have made together at this most important moment.”
Manchester Airport loses last remaining US-based carrier
In an internal memo, American said demand in Europe remained low despite Covid testing programmes and that consequently American “will be redeploying aircraft used to operate certain transatlantic markets into Latin America and the Caribbean.
As a result, we have made the difficult decision to close our operations in Manchester.” The decision means American’s only Manchester route, to Philadelphia, will not resume when Covid restrictions are lifted. The airline also flew Manchester-JFK until dropping the service a few years ago.
BusinessDesk Green Revolution: “It’s private investment that is going to solve this”
An expert panel outlined how the North can capitalise on a “Green Industrial Revolution”. They spoke at a webinar arranged by TheBusinessDesk.com in partnership with international law firm CMS. The event was chaired by Ben Ormsby, TheBusinessDesk.com’s Yorkshire editor.
Greater Manchester Mayor ‘can’t rule out Tier 4’ for the region
Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Mayor Burnham was asked whether he had concerns the region – and possibly the entire country – would be forced into Tier 4: He said: “I can’t rule anything out today, but I would ask the Government to obviously look at the cases here, and not just go towards a blanket approach given the differential position the different regions are in. But I’m not ruling out that we might need to take more decisive action later down the line.”
Cheshire East Council launches Covid-19 email
Residents can opt to receive the latest news via email including NHS information, and any updates from government or changes in local restrictions.

Coronavirus: driver and rider trainer guidance
How driving instructors and motorcycle trainers should work safely during coronavirus (COVID-19), business support, and restrictions on driving lessons.
Check if your business is eligible for a coronavirus grant due to national restrictions (for closed businesses)
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Closed) Addendum) supports businesses that have been required to close due to the national restrictions between 5 November and 2 December 2020.
Guidance amended to reflect the UK’s updated state aid agreement with the EU Commission.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Additional Restrictions Grant
The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) supports businesses that are not covered by other grant schemes or where additional funding is needed.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant (for open businesses)
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Open)) supports businesses that have been severely impacted due to temporary local restrictions.
Coronavirus and the latest indicators for the UK economy and society: 23 December 2020
Early experimental data on the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the UK economy and society. These faster indicators are created using rapid response surveys, novel data sources and experimental methods.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant (for closed businesses)
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Closed)) supports businesses that have been required to close due to temporary local restrictions.
Community testing
Community asymptomatic testing helps identify and isolate individuals who have coronavirus (COVID-19) but do not have symptoms – added list of community testing programme areas.
Making a Christmas bubble with friends and family
Meeting friends and family over the Christmas period – forming a Christmas Bubble.
Tier 3: Very High alert
What you can and cannot do in an area in Tier 3 of local restrictions – updated travel advice
Supported living services during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance for providers of supported living settings – his guidance has now been amended in line with updated advice on local restriction tiers and required isolation periods.
COVID-19: Guidance for small marriages and civil partnerships
Guidance for people planning to get married or form a civil partnership in England.
COVID-19: guidance for the safe use of places of worship and special religious services and gatherings during the pandemic
Guidance to provide advice on how places of worship can open, for limited permitted activities, in a manner that is safe and in line with local tier restrictions.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Meeting with others safely (social distancing)
Information on social distancing
COVID-19: Guidance for the safe use of multi-purpose community facilities
Guidance for those managing community centres, village halls and other community facilities on safely re-opening multi-purpose buildings.
Boost for radio and arts sectors with £7.5m funding to tackle winter loneliness
The radio and arts sectors are set to benefit from multi-million pound government funding designed to tackle loneliness during the winter.
Following the recent news about the Tier 4 measures, this funding package will aim to provide immediate and targeted relief to those most at risk of loneliness. The funding will be targeted at sectors that have the power to bring people and communities together such as the arts, libraries, charities and radio, acting as a ‘lifeline’ to cultural organisations, charities and local community groups who are delivering work to ensure no one feels isolated in their local community.
Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings for children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Protective measures for providers of community activities, holiday or after-school clubs, tuition and other out-of-school settings offering provision to children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Actions for FE colleges and providers during the coronavirus outbreak
Find out what you’ll need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to maintain provision.
Assessment and procurement of coronavirus (COVID-19) tests
How the government assesses offers of COVID-19 tests from developers for procurement and use in the UK – added Oxford Nanopore: LamPORE: RNA RT-qPCR to validated technology table in ‘National technical validation process for manufacturers of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) tests’.
Vitamin D supplements: how to take them safely
Guidance for at-risk groups offered free vitamin D supplements by the government this winter – added that you should not opt in to receive the vitamin D supplement if you are already taking, or are prescribed, a medication that contains vitamin D by your GP or healthcare professional.
Medical devices given exceptional use authorisations during the COVID-19 pandemic
List of manufacturers and their medical devices which have been granted an exemption by the MHRA. The list also includes manufacturers whose exemption expired or was cancelled. This information will be listed for 2 months after expiry or cancellation.
Check if you’re eligible for the Christmas Support Payment for wet-led pubs
The Christmas Support Payment (CSP) supports wet-led pubs that have been severely impacted over the Christmas period due to temporary local restrictions.
Check if your nightclub, dance hall or adult entertainment business is eligible for a coronavirus grant due to national restrictions
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG (Sector)) supports businesses that have been closed due to the national restrictions – guidance amended to reflect the UK’s updated state aid agreement with the EU Commission.
HMCTS weekly operational summary on courts and tribunals during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
This page provides a weekly summary of the HM Courts and Tribunals Service operational position during the coronavirus pandemic.
Local Restrictions Support Grants (LRSG), Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG), Christmas Support Payment (CSP) for wet-led pubs: guidance for local authorities
This is guidance for local authorities on paying grants to support businesses during the November to December 2020 national lockdown and periods of local restrictions.
2021: What’s the outlook for the property market
“Savills currently forecast a 4% growth in UK house prices in 2020 and the latest data from Halifax shows that they are 7.6% up on November last year. As the sector seems to be shrugging off the lockdown and tiered conditions, we are often being asked if we believe the market is overheated and we are in for a torrid 2021.”
Coronavirus (COVID-19): HGV operators and drivers crossing an international border
Guidance for operators, drivers and crew of HGVs on crossing an international border safely.
Protocol agreed to reopen French border to UK arrivals
Hauliers strongly urged not to travel to Kent until further notice.
Useful Links:
COVID-19 Winter Plan
The government’s plan for managing COVID-19 through the end of 2020 and into the start of 2021.
Government extends JRS furlough scheme at 80% for period of lockdown
The government has said the furlough scheme, due to have closed on 31st October, would now be extended until December.
Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check which employees you can put on furlough to use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Calculate how much you can claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Steps to take before calculating your claim using the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
Check if you can claim for your employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme
New National Restrictions from 5 November
Information on the new national restrictions, including what they mean for working from home and business closures, why they are being introduced and the financial support available.
Job Retention Bonus (JRB)
Employers are able to claim a one-off payment of £1,000 for every eligible employee furloughed and claimed for through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), kept continuously employed until at least 31 January 2021 and who meets the other eligibility criteria. Claims can be made between 15 February and 31 March.
Become a Green Homes Grant Supplier II – Trustmark and PAS 2030The new Green Homes Grant will give over 600,000 homeowners in England up to £10,000 to install insulation, heat pumps, draft proofing and more to help households cut energy bills.
Check if you’re eligible for the coronavirus Local Restrictions Support Grant
The Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) supports businesses that have been required to close due to temporary COVID-19 local lockdown restrictions imposed by the government.
Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant extension
The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out if you’re eligible and how much you can get.
Hospitality venues in England are now legally required to enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4,000.
Designated businesses and organisations, including hospitality, close contact services and leisure venues, will also be legally required to log details of customers, visitors and staff for NHS Test and Trace and required to display official NHS QR code posters under law
NHS Test and Trace service in the workplace
Guidance on the NHS Test and Trace service for employers, businesses and workers updated to reflect the new legal requirements for designated venues to collect contact details and display official NHS QR code posters from 24th September
Claim money back through the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme
Find out how to claim the reimbursement for discounts given to diners with the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme. The Eat Out to Help Out Scheme closed on 31 August 2020 – the page updated with removal of registration links.
Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.
Kickstart Scheme employer resources
If you’ve been offered Kickstart Scheme funding, you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme.
Kickstart Scheme employer contacts
List of regional contacts for employers applying for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can’t do
Frequently asked questions on what you can and can’t do during the coronavirus outbreak – guidance updated in line with new regulations coming into force on 4 July
Business Survey:
Apply for the coronavirus Future Fund
The Future Fund will provide UK Government loans to UK-based companies ranging from £125,000 to £5 million, subject to at least equal match funding from private investors.
Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme set to launch
Employers will be able to make claims through the Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme from 26 May.
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Government – Setting out of Road Map to recovery – 11th May 2020
Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s 60 page COVID-19 recovery strategy
The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy. The strategy sets out a cautious roadmap to easing existing measures in a safe and measured way, subject to successfully controlling the virus and being able to monitor and react to its spread.
Coronavirus Act 2020: status
A table setting out the status of each measure in the Coronavirus Act 2020.
Government – Financial Support
New 100% government backed loan scheme for small business
Government – Financial Support
CBILS – A guide to whether it may be the best options for a business
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – Financial Support: HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19/covid-19-support-for-businesses
Bank of England – Financial Support: https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2020/march/the-covid-corporate-financing-facility
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/874732/230320_-_Revised_guidance_note_-_finalVF
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19
Media and Marketing:
Travel: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit: http://news.dwp.gov.uk/dwplz/lz.aspx?p1=MQsDU1NjQ5MlM2OTA0OjNCNDJBOEZCRTJDOUJEOTc1ODQ0RTRCRDNDNzk4QUNF-&CC=&p=0
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium https://brc.org.uk/news/corporate-affairs/coronavirus-latest-retailer-activity/
Resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.