Cheshire East Council has strengthened its planning guidance for new housing schemes proposed in the borough.
The Council has formally adopted a new supplementary planning document (SPD) that provides additional guidance on the residential mix of new developments, including the provision of accommodation for older residents, and affordable housing. The SPD builds on the Local Plan Strategy that sets out the borough’s overall vision and planning framework through to 2030.
Cheshire East Council’s environment and communities committee approved the document at its meeting earlier this month; the committee’s Chair, Cllr Mick Warren said:
“While the supplementary planning document (SPD) is not part of our statutory development plan, it is a recognised way of introducing additional planning guidance, which should be taken into account when determining relevant planning applications, or an appeal against a planning decision.
“The document will help us all be clear on how these really important policies should be applied in practice.”
The adopted SPD is accompanied by an adoption statement and a report summarising the responses received during consultation on the final draft of the SPD late last year. Cllr Warren added:
“By providing clear guidance ‘up front’ about policy expectations, we want to support the planning application process, as well as assist the council in determining these applications.”
Cheshire East Council’s local plan strategy (LPS) was adopted in July 2017. It is the council’s strategic blueprint for housing, infrastructure and employment development across the borough to 2030.
The second part of the council’s Local Plan, the site allocations and development policies document (SADPD), is currently undergoing public examination by a planning inspector, following its submission to the secretary of state. The third and final element of the Local Plan, the waste and minerals plan, will be coming forward for consultation this autumn.