Following the easement of Covid-19 restrictions on Monday 19th July, Cheshire East Council is warning that Covid-19 cases across the borough are continuing to climb rapidly.
Covid-19 infection rates of the highly transmissible Delta variant continue to increase at an alarming rate in the borough (474 cases per 100,000 in the latest week 10 July to 16 July) and have more than trebled since the beginning of the month.
Positive cases among those aged 18 to 30 and who remain un-vaccinated are particularly high especially in Macclesfield and Crewe areas.
Leader of Cheshire East Council, Cllr Sam Corcoran, said:
“The huge increase in Covid-19 cases is extremely worrying and this will undoubtedly lead to more disruption, more hospitalisations and sadly more deaths.
“We have heard the government announce the ending of most restrictions, but I am strongly urging our residents to continue to be cautious as we might not hit the peak of infections for several more weeks and it is therefore vital for all of us to get vaccinated and to wear a mask to protect others in crowded or close proximity settings.”
Cllr Craig Browne, deputy leader of Cheshire East Council, said:
“We have a duty to ensure our residents are aware of the impact it is continuing to have, predominantly among those who are still not fully vaccinated.
“I would encourage anyone who has not yet done so, to make an appointment for their vaccination as soon as possible.”
Dr Matt Tyrer, director of public health at Cheshire East Council, said:
This is a very serious situation and it’s going to get far worse before it gets any better.
“Working alongside the other Directors of Public Health across Cheshire and Merseyside, working together as the Champs Public Health Collaborative, collectively we have issued a joint statement asking those living and working in the area to go above and beyond the minimum required, in the light of rising Covid-19 infections locally and changes to the national restrictions.
“People are being asked to take their individual and collective role to reduce the transmission of the virus incredibly seriously, and not see the 19th July as a reason to stop all behaviours that have slowed down the spread of the virus over the past sixteen months, especially when in close contact with others.
“This is very important, as infection rates are high in the area and historically, the North West of England has been more impacted by the virus than other areas, due to structural inequalities. This means recovery from the pandemic will take longer unless residents continue to take steps to minimise harm right now.
“This advice will also support local businesses and the wider economy, as increased transmission of the virus will result in major disruptions if staff are unable to work due to being unwell with COVID-19 and legally required to self-isolate.”
Businesses and workplaces in Cheshire East are also asked to:
- Continue to adhere to Covid-19 working safely guidance, including provision of washing facilities and proper ventilation with external fresh air;
- Continue to engage with the Test, Trace and Isolate process, and increase testing if your workplace has had an outbreak;
- Encourage your employees to get tested if they suspect they have Covid-19 symptoms and self-isolate if positive;
- Encourage your employees to have both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine when it is offered.
For the latest information and advice on the move to Step 4, testing, vaccinations and self-isolation support, go to the council’s Covid-19 webpage.