9th April
Latest data:
Testing: 232,708 people have now been tested for the virus (213,181)
New UK Cases: 60,734 have tested positive + 5,492 (55,242) on previous day
Sadly, of those in hospital, 7,097 people have died, an increase of 938 on the previous day (6,159)
Government media call – daily briefing at 5pm on Wednesday 8th April:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak led the Downing Street Press Briefing:
- £750m of Government funding for the charity sector, £370m of which will support small local charities working with vulnerable people.
- In England, some support will be provided through organisations including the National Lotteries Communities Fund
- Prime Minister Boris Johnson remains in intensive care but is ‘improving’
- The Government will also will also match pound-for-pound whatever the public donates to the BBC’s Big Night In charity appeal on 23 April, starting with at least £20m to the National Emergencies Trust appeal.
Professor Stephen Powis, the National Medical Director for NHS England and Professor Angela McLean, the Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser also attended the Briefing.
Professor McLean’s updated slides
Chancellor’s Briefing Statement
Update on Cheshire businesses grant funding payments:
Cheshire East Council has begun releasing grants to qualifying businesses.
The Government have also released a set of frequently asked questions to support businesses to understand the grant schemes and these can be found https://marketingstockport.co.uk/news/covid-19-grant-funding-schemes-frequently-asked-questions-faqs
The system generates a form and sends it out to businesses if their information is incomplete or incorrect – it is important that businesses respond to these forms quickly to avoid delay in any payments they may be eligible for.
Government Guide to accessing grant funding
Access an easy to follow guide on who is eligible for grant funding and how to access funding grant
The Government has issued a list of Frequently Asked Questions and corresponding answers around Grant Funding – https://marketingstockport.co.uk/news/covid-19-grant-funding-schemes-frequently-asked-questions-faqs/
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on business support grant funding
Guidance for local authorities setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF). Version 3 published with updates on State Aid, monitoring and reporting requirements, new annexes on state aid, Spotlight, and post payment checks, clarification of eligibility of charities.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for local authorities
Funding break down by local authority
Business rates: expanded retail discount – guidance
Guidance updated to confirm that the government’s assessment that the expanded retail discount is not a state aid, and that local authorities should therefore award relief to all eligible properties.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for businesses
HMRC are delivering a programme of webinars on measures to support employers, employees and the self-employed through this period of disruption caused by COVID-19. You can watch a video of the first recorded webinar and register for future webinars using the link: bit.ly/HMRCWebinar
Cheshire East Jobs Match
Cheshire East Council has launched a new job matching service to help people, who are temporarily not working, find jobs in key roles where support is needed.
The free job matching service will help to connect employers across Cheshire East who have urgent temporary or permanent vacancies with applicants who are immediately available and in need of employment.
For more information about this, and about financial support during the Covid-19 outbreak, visit the Council website:
ACAS publish free to use furlough letter template
The free-to-download template if for employers to use to confirm that there is an agreement to temporarily furlough a worker or employee.
ACAS updated guidance on holidays
In most situations, employees and workers should use their paid holiday (‘statutory annual leave’) in their current leave year. This is 5.6 weeks in the UK.
Government Guide to accessing grant funding
Covid-19 Business Grant Funding Documentation
Access an easy to follow guide on who is eligible for grant funding and how to access funding grant Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on business support grant funding
Guidance for local authorities setting out details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF). Version 3 published with updates on State Aid, monitoring and reporting requirements, new annexes on state aid, Spotlight, and post payment checks, clarification of eligibility of charities.
Financial support for businesses during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find out what financial support you can get for your business.
COVID-19 Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme
HMRC has published new online guidance which includes information about who can use the scheme and the records employers must keep. HMRC is working urgently to set up a system for reimbursement. HMRC will continue to update employers and the new GOV.UK guidance when these details are available.
HM Treasury and Bank of England announce temporary extension to Ways and Means Facility.
HM Treasury and the Bank of England (the Bank) have agreed to extend temporarily the use of the government’s long-established Ways and Means (W&M) facility. As a temporary measure, this will provide a short-term source of additional liquidity to the government if needed to smooth its cashflows and support the orderly functioning of markets, through the period of disruption from Covid-19.
Additional guidance on social distancing in the workplace
To support businesses that remain open during this period in England, the government has published additional guidance to assist employers, businesses and their staff in staying open safely during coronavirus (COVID-19). For specific settings please refer to sector specific guidance. Guidance has been published including for:
- Shops running a pick-up or delivery service
- Tradespeople and working in people’s homes
- Manufacturing and processing businesses
- Retail
- Logistics businesses
- Outdoor businesses
- Farming: visiting farms for animal health and welfare
- Transport businesses
- Waste management businesses
These guidelines are not intended to be comprehensive or to represent every business’s situation, but are illustrative examples. Businesses should also look at the advice being published by trade associations and similar groups on how to apply government guidance in their sector.
Read the general guidance for employers and businesses on coronavirus. Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Links added to the Information on healthcare advice for employers and support for businesses: business grant funding guidance, and the expanded retail discount guidance for local authorities.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing unpaid care
Information for people who are caring, unpaid, for friends or family during the coronavirus outbreak.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): hospital discharge service requirements
Translated versions added to patient discharge leaflets setting out how health and care systems and providers should change their discharging arrangements and the provision of community support during the coronavirus situation.
NHS works with tech firms to help care home residents and patients connect with loved ones
Thousands of isolated residents and patients will be able to connect with their family and friends with video call devices, the government has announced.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on isolation for residential educational settings
Guidance to support management of children and young people in residential educational settings, including boarding schools, residential special schools and specialist colleges and children’s homes
UK airlines to save millions as navigation charges deferred
Charges for air navigation services in European airspace deferred for up to 14 months.
A new hub on gov.uk brings together Information for people using transport or working in the transport sector during the Coronavirus outbreak.
This includes information on:
- Using public transport
- Driving private vehicles – cars, vans, motorbikes
- Bus and lorry drivers
- Freight, bus and road transport businesses
- Transport workers
Northern to start checking rail tickets following increase in unnecessary day trips
Last week, the firm announced passengers would not need to show their tickets due to Covid-19 fears – but it has been forced to reverse the policy.
Latest Government advice on safe site working
The Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Safety has issued its latest updated guidance on safe working on construction sites during the Covid-19 crisis.
It is now recommending that staff are kept two metres apart “as much as possible”. The full guidance states: Construction work plays an important role in ensuring public safety and the provision of public services. It can continue if done in accordance with the social distancing guidelines wherever possible.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to the manufacturing sector
Letter from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma, to those working in manufacturing.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to the retail sector
Letter from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Alok Sharma, to those working in retail.
8th April
Latest data:
Testing: 213,181 people have now been tested for the virus (208,837)
New UK Cases: 55,242 tested positive + 3,634 (51,608 ) on previous day
Sadly 6,159 people have died, an increase of 786 on the previous day (5,373)
Government media call – daily briefing at 5pm on Tuesday 7th April:
Dominic Raab, First Secretary of State, hosted the daily briefing:
- The Prime Minister remains stable
- Sir Patrick Vallance stated 1,900 patients are now taking part in clinical trials across 100 hospitals
- Professor Chris Whitty said shielding benefits vulnerable people including
- anyone who suspects that they or someone in their home has symptoms
- People aged over 70
- 1.5 million who are especially vulnerable
Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 7 April 2020
Press conference slides and datasets used by Sir Patrick Vallance.
Foreign Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 7 April 2020
COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Updated guidance for employers and businesses on coronavirus and guidance for employees, employers and businesses in providing advice about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Financial support for businesses during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find out what financial support you can get for your business.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for educational settings
Updated guidance to reflect the announcement on school closures for schools and other educational settings about the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Closure of educational settings: information for parents and carers
Added information for parents and carers about the Easter holidays and updated information about exams, and resources and support in the closure of schools and other educational settings following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): school closures
Updated sections on funding, holidays and practicalities – what schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has launched a new £1.3m emergency fund
Destination Management Organisations at risk of closure due to the coronavirus pandemic will receive financial support thanks to a new £1.3 million scheme launched by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) today.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Information on healthcare advice for employers and support for businesses. Added links to the business grant funding guidance, and the expanded retail discount guidance for local authorities.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information leaflet
Added a link for ordering the campaign materials in the leaflet on what to do to help stop the spread of coronavirus, including information on symptoms and government support.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): transport and travel guidance
Information for people using transport or working in the transport sector during the coronavirus outbreak.
Temporary relaxation of the enforcement of the drivers’ hours rules: all sectors carriage of goods by road
This is an update, following a specific review, confirming the continuation of the current temporary relaxation until 21 April 2020 and including a further minor relaxation of the EU drivers’ hours rules.
Coronavirus update for construction industry
Industry advice on the UK Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention scheme was published last week. Now further details have been added to the advice to pick up some more frequently asked questions. The updated guidance can be found here
Greater Manchester Law Centre has developed a survival guide to support residents and support organisations to assist people through the current health emergency.
DIT outlines support for exporters and importers
Business-led innovation in response to global disruption
Increase to Working Tax Credits – what this means
Updated after changes to Working Tax Credits payments increased from 6 April 2020 – find out what’s happening and who this affects.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for schools and other educational settings
Initial Teacher Training added to guidance and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) in educational settings for staff, parents and carers, pupils and students.
Procurement Policy Note 02/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19
This Procurement Policy Note (PPN) sets out information and guidance for public bodies on payment of their suppliers to ensure service continuity during and after the current coronavirus, COVID-19, outbreak. Relevant until end June 2020, please be aware that the FAQs for this PPN are being regularly updated to reflect feedback received.
Media Freedom Coalition Executive Group statement on coronavirus (COVID-19)
The Media Freedom Coalition Executive Group called all members to continue protecting access to free media and the free exchange of information.
7th April
Latest data:
Testing: 208,837 people have now been tested for the virus
New UK Cases: 51,608 positive + 3,802 on previous day
Admissions to hospital: 17,911
Sadly 5,373 people have died, an increase of 439 on the previous day’s figures
There has been a slight reduction in the number of daily deaths over the past 3 days but experts are warning against how these figures are interpreted.
Government media call – daily briefing at 5pm on Monday 6th April:
Hosted by Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab:
- Action plan aimed at slowing the spread of the virus and therefore protecting the NHS
- Increasing the number of NHS beds, key staff and frontline equipment
- Prime Minister admitted to hospital
- Michael Gove: Boosting manufacturing at home to bolster PPE and ventilator capacity
- Alok Sharma: setting out support for small businesses
- Allocated £75m and working with 14 airlines to repatriate UK citizens
- Stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives
Read the Government’s travel advice
Slides and datasets to accompany coronavirus press conference: 6 April 2020
used by Professor Angela McLean, Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser.
Dominic Raab set to lead country through peak of Covid-19 outbreak
Following the news that the Prime Minister has been moved into intensive care, ITU, Dominic Raab will be temporarily leading the country through what is expected to be the peak of the conoravirus outbreak in the UK. Mr Raab was designated by Mr Johnson as his deputy last Summer, after the leadership contest and said that he would deputise for the PM “where necessary”.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): apprenticeship programme response
This document has been updated with new information on continuing training and end point assessment for furloughed apprentices, and pausing new funding audits. It sets out guidance for apprentices, employers, training providers and assessment organisations in response to the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Covid-19 – Royal Mail changes to services
Absence rates are affecting the availability of normal services and it has been necessary to make some changes including to:
- Opening hours at customer service points
- Longer retention periods at customer service points
- Changes to Special Delivery Guaranteed
- Business redirection
- Signing for received items
- Deliveries to care homes
- Door to door mailings
£20 million for ambitious technologies to build UK resilience following coronavirus outbreak
Updated link to the Innovation Funding Service – businesses to help boost the UK’s resilience to the long-term impact of coronavirus and similar future situations as a result of £20 million government funding.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): financial support for schools
Guidance on funding available to schools to support them with costs associated with coronavirus (COVID-19).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): free school meals guidance
Added guidance about free school meal support over the Easter holidays for schools and local authorities and guidance on free school meals arrangements during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Extra support for schools and parents to help cope with coronavirus
The Government has announced a package of support, including additional funding and high-quality resources, to help schools deal with the challenges posed by coronavirus.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for schools and other educational settings
‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): financial support for schools’ and ‘Coronavirus (COVID 19): online education resources’.
6th April
Latest data: New UK Cases: 47,806 + 5,903 from previous day
Sadly 4,934 people have now died as a result of the Coronavirus, an increase of 621 on the previous day’s figures.
COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Added guidance on use of face masks in the community to guidance for employees, employers and businesses in providing advice about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
Annual inspection waiver for tank vehicles
Notice allowing tank vehicles, now including V11 ADR vehicles, with extended roadworthiness test certificates, to remain in service and on our roads without a valid ADR 1(C) certificate.
Construction Enquirer – Coronavirus update for construction: The UK Government has extended the CBILS so that all viable small businesses affected by COVID-19 will now be eligible should they need finance. UK Government has also stopped lenders from requesting personal guarantees for loans under £250,000 and has made operational changes to speed up lending approvals. The government will continue to cover the first twelve months of interest and fees. Please find further details here.
A new CLBILS will provide a UK government guarantee of 80% to enable banks to make loans of up to £25 million to firms with an annual turnover of between £45 million and £500 million. Please find initial details here.
Government media conferences: Coronavirus updates – Friday 3rd, Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April:
Secretary of State for Education Gavin Williamson has written to the Chief Regulator of Ofqual about how grades will be calculated in lieu of exam results. Ofqual have also made an announcement on this same subject.
The Education and Skills Funding Agency released new guidance for skills providers, warning that colleges that under deliver their education budget allocations this year will have their funding limited, either directly or through subcontractors.
Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government Robert Jenrick has given councils the power to hold public meetings virtually.
Science Minister Amanda Solloway has made available a £20m fund available to help the UK’s businesses be resilient against the impact of coronavirus.
Environment Minister Rebecca Pow has announced a fund that will help food redistribution services cut food waste during the coronavirus pandemic.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): maintaining further education provision
Updated Operational guidance for further education (FE) providers on maintaining education and skills training provision.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2020
Updated guidance to answer common questions in relation to the cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in 2020: cancellation of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2020’ to reflect new guidance from Ofqual.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): business support grant funding – guidance for local authorities
Information about State Aid added to the guidance for local authorities – details of the Small Business Grants Fund (SBGF) and Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund (RHLGF).
Coronavirus (COVID-19): tell us you can produce testing kits and services
‘Provide lab capacity’ has been added to forms for organisations that can manufacture and supply testing consumables, equipment and laboratory PPE as part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) response.
COVID-19: guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Details about the Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme added to guidance for employees, employers and businesses in providing advice about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
World’s largest trial of potential coronavirus treatments rolled out across the UK
The largest randomised clinical trial of potential coronavirus (COVID-19) treatments is underway as part of the race to find a treatment.
COVID-19 health, care and volunteer workers parking pass and concessions
Guidance and terms of use for the parking pass and concessions for COVID-19 health, care and volunteer workers.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for children’s social care services
Advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) for local authorities and their partners to help support and protect vulnerable children.
UK medicines and medical devices regulator investigating 14 cases of fake or unlicensed COVID-19 medical products
An increasing number of bogus medical products being sold through unauthorised websites claiming to treat or prevent COVID-19 are being investigated by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
NHS asks people to share their coronavirus symptoms to help others
A new Coronavirus Status Checker will help the NHS coordinate its response and build up additional data on the COVID-19 outbreak.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): scaling up testing programmes
How the government intends to scale up testing programmes to provide a test to anyone who needs one.
COVID-19: guidance for health professionals
Added ‘management of exposed healthcare workers and patients in hospital settings’ to information on COVID-19, including guidance on the assessment and management of suspected UK cases.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): school closures
Information added to what schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Updated information about workforce and critical workers.
Other media / news headlines:
750,000 self-employed miss out on government coronavirus support
Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes
How to protect care home residents and staff during the coronavirus outbreak.
BCC Coronavirus Business Impact Tracker
First results show heavy toll on UK business communities as majority of firms face cash flow crisis
Furloughed staff can still undergo training, Lawyers say
UK banks banned from requesting personal guarantees for loans
Emergency loans announced for UK’s ‘squeezed middle’ companies
UK Government overhauls emergency business loans after complaints
Personal protective equipment (PPE): export control process
Information for economic operators who will temporarily need a licence to export PPE outside the EU, EFTA member states and certain other territories.
‘Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save lives’.

New Updates and Guidance – Business Support FAQs
Frequently asked questions for businesses and employers, on business closures and stay at home, and on the self-employment income support scheme, are available on the business support website.
Useful links:
Government – Business Support:
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support:
Government – Business Support:
Bank of England – Financial Support:
Cheshire East Council
Business helping businesses: https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/council_information/coronavirus/cheshire-east-business-helping-business.aspx
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision:
UK Lockdown – Further businesses to close and exceptions:
Cheshire and Warrington Growth Hub
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Shielding the most vulnerable
Updates from Northern Rail: https://media.northernrailway.co.uk/news/coronavirus-travel-information
Recruitment: – DWP and Universal Credit
Retail: An update form British Retail Consortium
Useful information for the Self-Employed: